Best Practices and Proposed Intervention Related to the Social Issue
As you recall from the Week Two assignment, the scholarly literature has explored various elements of your social issue through theoretical frameworks and research studies. You will now extend your analysis to include examples of best practices that serve as the benchmark used by health and human service organizations in the provision of care. Best practices consist of techniques, applications, or approaches that have been consistently demonstrated through the research to be the most effective for addressing a given problem or need area.
In this third written assignment for the course, you will apply your knowledge of U.S. health and human services delivery of care by examining scholarly sources (e.g., articles from the Ashford University Library, government sources, etc.) that provide information on best practices that examine some aspect of your social issue. Thus, you will be asked to do the following:
Describe two to three examples of interventions, approaches, or techniques that have been demonstrated to be effective in addressing your social issue. A good place to begin your search is the HHS A to Z Index (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.. While specific examples of best practices will vary based upon the topic, areas to consider can include, but are not limited to:
Case management approaches
Preventive services
Clinical intervention/therapies
Educational initiatives
Analyze elements pertinent to the best practices that you have identified. These include:
An overview of each practice (i.e., what they are, specific elements, how and where they are used, etc.).
Examination of evidence in the form of research studies that support the effectiveness of the practices (i.e., description of study, methods, and findings).
Evaluation of their strengths and areas for improvement.