Page 1 Programming Fundamentals (48023) Autumn 2014 Assignment 1 Programming Fundamentals (48023) -Assignment 1 There are two parts to assignment1 and both parts have different due dates. Below are the details of part A. Scroll down few pages to see the details of part B. Please note that at the end of part B, there are important instructions and rules mentioned on pages 11 and12 which are applicable to both parts. Hence scroll down to these pages while attempting both parts. Introduction In this assignment 1 you will create a simple Pacman-like game with one player, 3 dots, an exit and an enemy. The player can move left, right, up or down and must collect all 3 dots and reach the exit without being killed by the enemy. The enemy is programmed to chase down the player. The game finishes when either all dots have been collected and the exit has been reached, or when the enemy has killed the player. Sample output is shown below, with user input shown in bold: Initial x: 5 Initial y: 0 Player[](5,0) Dot(1,1) Dot(2,2) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(5,5) Move (l/r/u/d): l Player[](4,0) Dot(1,1) Dot(2,2) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(5,4) Move (l/r/u/d): l Player[](3,0) Dot(1,1) Dot(2,2) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(5,3) Move (l/r/u/d): l Player[](2,0) Dot(1,1) Dot(2,2) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(5,2) Move (l/r/u/d): l Player[](1,0) Dot(1,1) Dot(2,2) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(5,1) Move (l/r/u/d): d Player[*](1,1) Dot(-,-) Dot(2,2) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(4,1) Move (l/r/u/d): r Player[*](2,1) Dot(-,-) Dot(2,2) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(3,1) Move (l/r/u/d): d Player[**](2,2) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(2,1) Move (l/r/u/d): r Player[**](3,2) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Dot(3,3) Exit(4,4) Enemy(2,1) Move (l/r/u/d): d Player[***](3,3) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Exit(4,4) Enemy(2,2) Move (l/r/u/d): r Player[***](4,3) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Exit(4,4) Enemy(2,3) Move (l/r/u/d): d Player[***](4,4) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Dot(-,-) Exit(-,-) Enemy(2,4) You win! Explanation of the sample output The…
Written on May 7th, 2018 by
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can you help me with object oriented prpgramming
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