Case Study on Frank Lloyd Wright Sturges House in Los Angeles CA

Case Study on Frank Lloyd Wright Sturges House in Los Angeles CA

Case Study: Identify the current building conditions of The Frank Lloyd Wright Sturges House in Los Angeles, CA and propose strategies to implement on the house to get to Net Zero Energy Building.

Leverage the following to complete the below:

·         Book: Carbon-neutral architectural design by Pablo La Roche

·         Climate Consultant Software – FREE – must download –

·         HEED software for Energy Modeling (free)

·         THERM


Include the following information of current conditions of Sturges House:

·         Materials of walls (studs, insulation, wood or metal etc.)

·         Materials of roof

·         Direction house faces

·         Windows

a) Climate Analysis / Site Analysis Diagram (include solar protractor and clearly note North)

b) Identify Psychrometric challenges 

c) Implementing Cool Roof and Night Vent cooling strategies. Consult 2030 Palette Use the following Journal databases below to find articles/sources and write 250-500 words of a literature review on these two strategies:  Cool Roof and Night Vent cooling technologies. A minimum of 4 article from the databases below should be identified. Ensure to site sources and include bibliography in APA format

·         Vitruvio: International Journal of Architectural technology and Sustainability

·         Sustainability Science

·         ProQuest Database

·         VSLI Systems, Architecture, Technology and Applications (FLSI-SATA), International Conference on

·         Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology

·         Journal of Building physics


d) Determine if building as designed was adapted to climate

e) Calculate your EUI (Btu/sf/yr) f) Calculate the Operational CO2e [lbs/sf/yr] g) Water Budget based on 1920’s gpm/gpf

Proposed New Strategies: Identify the following:

a) Thermal comfort: Identify passive strategies that improve thermal comfort and show the impact.

b) Water Conservation: What water conservation strategies can be applied? What innovations in onsite water harvesting and reuse can be applied? 

c) Envelope Strategies: Calculate the u-value of one wall and recommendation to improve thermal performance. 

d) Design of shading for at least one window or facade including process and required diagrams. 

e) Climate based decisions, solar protractor, climate consultant, VSA, dimensions and design.

f) Renewable Energy:  Calculate the amount of one renewable strategy that is required to offset your house operational energy demand. 

g) Calculate your predicted pEUI (Btu/sf/yr) h) Calculate the predicted operational pCO2e [lbs/sf/yr] i) Water conservation improvements 


Write a brief introduction (150 words) with 1 image of the FLW Sturges house. This narrative may touch on location and historic significance. 

Write a statement (200-300 words) that identifies unique challenges you faced integrating energy efficient measure that had meaningful impact while retaining the historic quality of the FLW Sturges house. 

Write a statement (100-200 words) describing the main strategies that you implemented

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