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The Barbara Lumpkin Prescribing Act Assignment


Download a copy of the Barbara Lumpkin Prescribing Act; Read the document and then construct a one page paper discussing:


4. Provide brief description of the Bill
5. Reflect on what it means for APRNS in Florida to have this privilege
6. Discuss the pro and cons (if any) of the bill as it is currently enforced


Writing Assignment Guidelines: Assignment must be typed with appropriate punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and APA format for citing of reference and reference page.
Incorrect placement of commas, incorrect capitalization, spaces where none are allowed are examples of APA errors and points will be deducted. Papers are to be submitted hard copy, must be stapled, and NOT be enclosed in folders. Written work should be submitted with a cover page according to APA cover page guidelines. If writing requirements are not followed precisely, your grade on written materials may begin with a grade of 91.

Specific Writing Requirements: Rewrites are NOT allowed.

G. Use precise APA format that includes correct punctuation, spelling, sentence structure and references. The “easy” on-line APA software has errors and should not be used.
H. Type must be Times Roman, 12-point font, and double spaced
I. Use the spell check function on your computer (will help with #1)
J. Use a COVER page following APA guidelines
K. DO NOT use a folder. Staple all assignments. Assignments are to be hard copy-not via email. Save your work as you may be asked to submit a back-up email as needed.
L. Papers turned in past the due date will receive an automatic deduction of 10 points with the grade starting at 89 (B) unless prior arrangements have been made with the professor
M. If the page numbers are limited, pages that exceed the limit will not be read and further points may be removed if critical content was included on the excess pages

Public Health Case



1). Goldsteen, R., Dwelle, T., & Goldsteen, K. (2014). Introduction to public health (2nd ed.). New York: Springer Publishing Company. Please read: Chapter 6: Public health system performance; and Chapter 8: Building healthy communities.

2). Karpyn, A. (2017). Part 1: Public health & environmental approaches to obesity prevention [Video presentation]. Temple University of Department of Public Health and the Association for Prevention Teaching and Research. Accessed from

3). Moore, M. (2012). The global dimensions of public health preparedness and implications for US action. American Journal of Public Health, 102(6), e1-7. Doi:10.2105/AJP.2011.300644.


Read the module Home page and required readings. Read through this assignment, instructions, and the Assignment Expectations.

In her commentary, “The Global Dimensions of Public Health Preparedness and Implications for US Action,” Moore (2012) points out that Public Health is truly a global issue; and she discusses what that means for us here in the US in terms of our need for preparedness. She suggests four areas for action: 1) sensitize practitioners to the global nature of diseases, 2) learn from the success of other countries, 3) US Investment in Global Health, and 4) acting locally on global issues.


Your assignment is to write an essay in which you select the single area that you feel to be the most important for public health preparedness. Justify your position.

You can submit your paper in a Question and Answer format. In other words, list the questions and provide a short answer to each.

1. What is the Area for Action that you feel is most important for public health preparedness? (Please write 1 paragraph maximum here)


Hint: you will need to conduct your own scholarly research for information on the topic. For example, enter The Online Library and enter search terms, such as “Public Health Preparedness.” Be sure to check the box to limit your search to full-text access.

2. Why might each of the other dimensions be slightly less important? Be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.

Individual: Implementation Strategies

Using the paper started in Week One, add an additional 3 to 4 pages (1,050 to 1,400 words) describing your strategies for managing the project as follows:

  • Develop a project communication plan to describe how stakeholders and managers will be kept informed regarding project progress. This will include the form of communication (status reports, meetings, etc.), frequency, and specific project milestones that will aid in determining where the implementation stands.
  • Describe the various kinds of documentation that will be required to support the future system operation, including both user and technical documentation.
  • Describe the Change Control Process that will be employed on the project to properly manage any disruptions to the progress of the project.
  • Evaluate out-sourcing of implementation tasks, using consulting services versus performing them in-house, describing the costs, benefits, and challenges associated with each option.

Incorporate feedback from your previous assignments.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Update your project plan to include the tasks associated with this week’s assignment.

Zip your assignment into one file.

Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your ZIP file of this week’s assignments

Open Heart Surgery

For this Dropbox assignment, please read Case 19: The Case for Open Heart Surgery at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital. Create a 3- to 5-page report in Microsoft Word document that answers the following questions.

Why is the hospital considering this additional service?
Does the hospital and community really need this service? Why or why not?
What should be the most important characteristics of a hospital in which one would want to have an open heart surgery?
Is it financially viable for a hospital to offer this service? What costs and revenues would you predict to know the viability? Would any revenues cover the costs of offering this service?
In addition to the above, state any three instances that could go wrong if this service is offered.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.

Imagine you are employed by the local government and you have been assigned to work with a team to educate the health care consumers in your community about Medicare or Medicaid. You and your team have been tasked with creating a multimedia tool that will be made available at any local government office with this information.

Presentation (2-3slides not including Intro/Reference slide)
Address these points in your assignment:
Focus on a level of government (federal, state, or local) and the role and function it had in the process of implementing the policy.
Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment.

Global Warming

Discussion Board Evaluation Criteria


Discussion board assignments are your opportunities to share your knowledge, experience and opinions with the rest of the class.  Together with the homework assignments, they also serve as a proxy for attendance.


The items I am looking for are


Relevance to the topic,


Promptness in the initial posting and response,


Clear expression of opinions,


Good spelling and grammar,


Polite disagreement as appropriate.


Please use good grammar and make coherent points. When providing a contrasting viewpoint, focus on making your point, not on deriding the other person’s point.


Week 8 Discussion bus 302

Employee theft is a major problem in the U.S. retail industry. Information obtained from SecurityInfoWatch reported that twenty three (23) major retailers alone apprehended over 1.1 million shoplifters and dishonest employees, and recovered more than $189 million from these thieves in 2012.
Watch J. Farrell’s video titled “Prevent Employee Theft in Your Business”:

Construction of an Amortization ScheduleConstruction of an Amortization Schedule

You plan to purchase a $750,000 home using a 30-year mortgage obtained from a local commercial bank.

The mortgage rate offered is 5.25 percent and requires a 20 percent down payment.


a. What are the monthly payments on the mortgage?



b. Construct the amortization schedule for the first 10 payments.

see chart on excel file



c. If the rate offered was 7.50 percent, what would the monthly payments be?



d. If a 15-year mortgage with a 4.50 percent rate and 20 percent down payment was obtained for the purchase, what would the monthly payments be?

Training packet for international assignment

Each student should assume that they are a consultant working for an American firm responsible for providing training to expatriates on international assignments. Each student should prepare a training package that would be used to provide expatriates with a foundation for living and working in the country. Students should draw on available online library research (and include proper citation and references) and may also supplement with interviews with managers who have lived or worked in this country.
The report should include:
1. A cultural analysis: The cultural roots of a country are reflected in the arts, literature, and mass media of that society. Select one form of art, literature, or mass media to understand the culture of that country. Describe specific examples of this aspect of the culture, then identify the underlying beliefs and values reflected in these examples. Discuss the similarities and differences between American culture and the culture of the country you choose. Do not focus only on history or geography, but also on cultural beliefs, values, and norms.
2. A description of the current practices that American firms use to train professionals for assignments in your country of choice. You can use online library research, supplemented with interviews.

Terrorist Attack against the United States

Select one terrorist attack from the following list and address the elements listed below that are specific to your chosen attack:

  • 1983 attack on the Marine barracks in Lebanon
  • 1993 attack on the World Trade Center
  • 1996 Bombing of Khobar Towers
  • 1998 attack on U. S. embassies in Tanzania and Kenya
  • 2000 attack on the USS Cole
  • 2009 attack on U. S. Army Post, Ft. Hood

The essay should include the following elements:

  • Describe describe the attack (where, when, what was used to conduct the attack, casualties, injuries, structural damage, etc.)
  • Explain why your chosen attack classifies as a terrorist attack
  • Identify the group responsible for this attack and analyzes their motives behind the attack, detailing what the group hoped to achieve
  • Analyze the United States’ response to this attack (If there was no response provide suggestions for appropriate responses)

The paper must be five pages in length (excluding the title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style. You must use at least three scholarly resources other than the textbook to support your claims and subclaims. Cite your resources in text and on the reference page. For information regarding APA samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center, within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar, in your online course.

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