Comprehensive Scholarly Analysis Of The Role Leadership Plays In Establishing An Organizational Culture That Includes A Focus On Positive Social Change

Comprehensive Scholarly Analysis Of The Role Leadership Plays In Establishing An Organizational Culture That Includes A Focus On Positive Social Change

In your analysis, do the following:

  • Analyze Dr. Marsh’s challenges and their influence on an organization’s culture. 
  • Summarize the leadership style you would adopt to influence the organization’s culture and why. 
  • Explain the organizational change or cultural change model or steps you would take to change the culture.
  • As a global change agent, explain how you would infuse positive social change into your leadership style and organizational culture.
  • Describe the incremental steps you would take given your selected model to ensure success.
  • Explain how these steps will influence each of the challenges you face and the mitigation plan to eliminate the challenges.
  • Delineate the key concepts you would include in your vision statement.


To prepare for this Assignment, review the “Leading a Virtual Organization” Case Study Guide in this week’s Learning Resources, and consider the insights gained by Dr. Marsh in his journey as an organizational leader.

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