Create 3 to 5 questions you can discuss with a representative regarding the company’s approach to change management in the past.

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Review the Week 6 Implementing Change Business Case assignment.


Select a company you would like to interview about change management strategies, and request an informational interview with a representative. Focus your interview on the week 6 business case topic.


Create 3 to 5 questions you can discuss with a representative regarding the company’s approach to change management in the past.


·        Your interview questions should illicit the change management strategies they have used to implement a variety of changes intended to improve effectiveness and efficiency of the organization that will ultimately improve the bottom line.


Call the representative from your chosen company, and:


·        Share that you are an MBA student working on a business case for change management.


·        Ask your 3 to 5 questions.


·        Take notes about the conversation with the company representative.


Summarize the interview in a paper of 300 or more words. Please do not refer to specific company information in your documentation; use Company XYX and Mr./Ms. X in place of real names.


·        Provide the question asked and the information gained from the company representative.


·        Identify the company’s industry you chose to interview for your research.


·        Discuss the approach(es) the company used to make a change in the past.


Create a detailed approach that you as a leader would use for changing a process, action, etc. for a business. This approach may use bullets or numbers to list the order of your actions.


References – Provide at least two (2) references used for this assignment.


Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. NOTE: all assignments must have a title page, introduction, body of assignment, conclusion, and reference page.


Submit your assignment.




PART 2!!!




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Purpose of Assessment   


Demonstrate how a leader can implement change within an organization to enhance effectiveness and efficiency. You will consider the information you learned in your conversation with the company you contacted in Week 5. You will be measured on how you apply key leadership and managerial skills to foster innovation and lead change in a dynamic business as well as your ability to listen actively and respond using appropriate tone and word choice. You will prepare a presentation, with detailed speaker notes, that covers the scenario shown below.




Your boss has asked you to implement a new rotating work schedule that requires employees to work different schedules each week. Your boss would like to know how other companies in the area have handled their schedule changes in the past to determine if their change model is applicable to this situation.


Review the discussion with the organization you contacted in Week 5, and consider whether you would use any of the change strategies to implement a new rotating work schedule in your company.


Prepare a 12- to 15-slide presentation (e.g. Microsoft PowerPoint) to build a business case for your boss and your organization’s leadership team. Your presentation must include detailed speaker notes, and ensure you do the following: 


·        Introduce and analyze the change requested by your boss, changing from the current state to a future state. 


·        Analyze the impact of this change to the bottom line (profit, productivity, and expenses).


·        Analyze the desired result or goal and use the SMART goal approach to formulate the goal. 


·        Analyze who will be affected by the change. 


·        Analyze the change management approach(es) used by the company you interviewed in Week 5.


·        Evaluate whether you would use any of the change management strategies from your Week 5 interview. 


·        Analyze the role of the leader to accomplish the change. 


·        Describe key leadership skills and characteristics that will be needed from the leader.


·        Assess what metrics will be applied to determine success or failure. 


·        Determine the timeline for the change.


·        Conclude your presentation with a short summary and specify your recommendations regarding the rotating work schedule.


References – Provide at least three (3) references used for this assignment.


Format your assignment according to APA guidelines. NOTE: all assignments must have a title page, introduction, body of assignment, conclusion, and reference page.


Submit your assignment.

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