Task 1
Your task in this assignment is to design, implement, test and document the basis of a simple online employment service using HTML, CSS, PHP, Smarty, and SQLite.
The goal of the assignment is to design, implement, test and document a simple database-backed Web application that models part of a simple online employment service. The application should allow employers to:
post descriptions of jobs they are offering
delete descriptions of jobs they are offering.
It should allow users to:
browse the jobs being offered
search for all jobs in a given industry
Each employer (an organisation) should have:
a unique id
a unique name
an industry (e.g., education, government, information technology, manufacturing, mining, retail)
a brief description.
Each job should have
a unique id
a reference to the organisation offering the job (there is a one-many relationship between organisations and jobs)
a title
a brief description
a location
an annual salary.
You may assume the initial set of employers is given. That is, the developer should initialise the set of employers when the database is created. The initial database must contain at least 2 employers and at least 4 jobs.
The application should have separate home pages for employers (employers.php) and for users (index.php). Each home page should have a header that clearly identifies the application and a footer that clearly identifies the developer and has a link to the documentation (described below).
The employers home page (employers.php) should display a list of employer names. An employer may then select its name which leads to a page with list of summaries of jobs offered by that employer and a form (or a link to a form) for adding a new job. Each job summary should lead to a complete description of that job. The employer may then delete that job.
After adding or updating a job, the employer should see the complete description of that job. After deleting a job, the employer should…
Written on May 7th, 2018 by
create a website like seek.com using html5,css,database design,sqlite,php.
create a website like seek.com using html5,css,database design,sqlite,php.
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