Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations.

1 -One of my strengths regarding professional presentations is organization and thourough research. One way that I can continue to build this strength is to prepare ahead of time and avoid procrastination. This will allow plenty of time to edit and re-edit in order to be even more organized. One of my weaknesses regarding professional presentations is being able to get my entire thought presented in a way that is not confusing. One way that I can work on this includes preparation and running through the presentation before hand and either recording it and watching it back or in front of colleagues to obtain construtive criticism that I can apply to the presentation to make changes that will enhance the delivery (Swathi, 2015). Being able to present professionally is essential for projects such as our capstone project for this class. 


Swathi, T. (2015). The Importance of Effective Presentation for Organizational Success. IUP Journal of Soft Skills 9(2). https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-3763066631/the-importance-of-effective-presentation-for-organizational



2-Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations. Name one method for improvement for each of these and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting.

A personal weakness for me during formal presentations would be nervousness when public speaking. I have worked on this during our preparation for Magnet status at the hospital I worked for. I prepared some of the magnet readiness information sessions and created different skills workshops for the floor nurses. What helped me the most to somewhat overcome this weakness is practicing the materials in front of my friends or family several times before actually presenting the materials. This is important to be able to effectively present the research or information with a professional speed and demeanor. A strength would be confidence. It is important to be confident when presenting the information and confident in the subject manner itself allows your audience to trust in what it is you are saying. To prepare for this strength it helps to be well versed, informed and as up to date as possible in the subject or materials being presented. Discuss one personal strength and one weakness you have regarding professional presentations. Name one method for improvement for each of these and discuss why it is important for you to work on these skills if you want to present your findings in a more formal setting.



3- i am also technologically challenged and that created a huge hurdle for me. It had been over 20 years since I was last in college, so the advancements have been great to say the least. I was making things WAY more complicated than need be. You give great examples on overcoming this weakness. It does definetly get better with use and practice. I even had to play around with my very simple laptop to learn to navigate and also how to properly use Word.

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