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Your initial discussion thread is due on Day 3 (Thursday) and you have until Day 7 (Monday) to respond to your classmates. Your grade will reflect both the quality of your initial post and the depth of your responses. Refer to the Discussion Forum Grading Rubric under the Settings icon above for guidance on how your discussion will be evaluated.
In 2012 Americans alone produced over 250 million tons of garbage. One large component of this waste consisted of oil based plastic bags which are utilized excessively by grocers restaurants and stores nationwide. In order to reduce this source of waste many countries are banning plastic bags or taxing customers for their use. For your main post his week discuss at least two environmental problems caused by our extensive use of plastic bags. If you were in charge what plan might you propose to reduce or eliminate their use? Discuss the economic impacts of implementing your plan versus the financial impacts of making no change in our current use.
Your initial post should be at least 250 words in length. Utilize at least two scholarly or reputable resources and your textbook to support your claims. Cite your sources in APA format. Quoted text should constitute no more than ten percent of your post. Respond to at least two of your classmates posts by Day 7.
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
discussion 491