Discussion: National and International Challenges

Discussion: National and International Challenges

Human services professionals who focus on rectifying human rights violations, social problems, mental health, or welfare needs often do so on a national and international level. In the national and international sphere, there is a great need for social change agents, leaders, and advocates on behalf of human rights, as well as for other issues. Attempting to address these issues at the national and international levels presents a unique set of challenges for human services professionals. 

To prepare:


Select one national and one international challenge related to human and social services professions and/or the roles and responsibilities of human and social services professionals anywhere in the world. These should be challenges you or a professional might face when attempting to address issues at the national and international levels, such as professional recognition, apathy, or cultural barriers.


Think about why addressing these challenges is important to the profession, as well as what difference its resolution or improvement might make.

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