This is the title of dissertation proposal: How the business can change African Culture You will be using the 10 scholarly resources (empirical articles or dissertations) and a draft of your 10 Strategic Points starting Tuesday to work on developing or revising your 10 Strategic Points and applying them to your Prospectus or Proposal. Pre-Assignment Work Please complete the following Pre-Assignment work. Ten scholarly references on your topic: The first thing you will need to find to complete your 10 Strategic Points is ten empirical articles and/or dissertations from research on your topic. Please use those articles to develop an Annotated Bibliography on each article and a current version of your 10 Strategic Points. a. Each annotated bibliography should be 200-250 words long and should include the following for each article: i. The article citation and its permalink (these are not included in the word count). ii. A written summary of the key concept(s) of the article. 1. Why was the study done? 2. What was the population studied? 3. What did the researcher(s) conclude? 4. What other information about this study do you believe is unique or important to recall? 5. Are there specific statements made by the author that you wish to retain? b. Post these 10 Annotated Bibliographies along with your 10 Strategic Points document (2) Ten Strategic Points: You will be using this throughout your class. The attached document (10_Strategic_Points) includes the instructions and a table in which to complete your ten strategic points. The ten strategic points are essential to ensuring your research plan is clear, aligned, and doable. Feedback will be given on your 10 Strategic Points prior to and in the class throughout the week.
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
Dissertation Proposal