Do you consider “Made in the USA” labels to be deceptive advertising?

  Do you consider “Made in the USA” labels to be deceptive advertising? 

Many consumers are becoming more critical about the products they purchase and will often closely examine a product before buying it. The way a product is packaged and labelled can have a big impact on a consumer’s decision to purchase it. Using the material covered in Chapter 45 of the textbook, discuss the following points in your post:

  • Do you consider “Made in the USA” labels to be deceptive advertising? 
  • Should the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have the right to regulate the tobacco industry?
  • Search your home, a local store or the internet to locate a product where you feel the label omits important information or appears to be misleading. Post a picture of the product’s label here in the discussion forum (or post a picture of the product’s label from the manufacturer’s website). Discuss your thoughts on why the label is misleading or deceptive. How does this make you feel as a consumer?

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