I have a friend that is facing (felony)criminal charges,so b/c he was arrested, he is facing VOP on a technical violation.It gets more confusing b/c he is NJ Probation,PA supervision. The criminal charges are in PA.Long story short,he is taking the criminal charges to trial,but he was recently told that even if he is aquited in PA,that NJ could still bring him in for a VOP hearing and possibly revoke his probation.I am not a moron and understand that one is “criminal” and one is “technical”,but if the “technical” is coming from the “criminal”,and he is found “not guilty” of the “criminal” how can they pursue the “technical”, in my opinion,they are using the technical vs. criminal as a way to circumnvent probationers civil liberties,and well,it is just out-right,constitutionally offensive.So my first question is,is that correct,that even if aquitted he will face VOP hearings? My next question is,does anybody else find it disgusting that a child molester does less time that an armed robber?What the hell is the point of the Constitution if it is not upheld? Sadly the Constitution of the United States has become nothing more than a tale told by an idiot,full of sound and fury,signifying nothing.
Written on May 7th, 2018 by
Double Jeopardy/ProbationI have a friend that is facing (felony)criminal…