Fill in the blanks with suitable words
- In double entry accounting, all business transactions are marked as having __________ aspect.
- Accounting principles are only __________ based on usage, and experience over a period of years.
- Accounting concepts are not _________ forever.
- The separate legal entity is recognised by law in the case of a _______ form of business organisation.
- Though separate entity is not recognised by law in some types of organisations, the assumption of separate entity has to be followed in __________ types of business organisations.
- The capital of the business is considered as a __________ of the business to its owners.
- At cost or book value means cost ____________ depreciation.
- Periodicity concept emphasises _____________ period assumption.
- The cost concept is also referred at as ________ cost concept.
- __________ concept assumes that the business entity will continue its activities independently.
- The money measurement assumption which assumes that purchasing power of money is always __________.
- The realisation concept emphasises the timing of __________.
- The essence of accrual concept is that the earning of a revenue and consumption of expenses are related to a __________.
- Disclosure is the_________ and _________ of financial information to its users.
- Accounting records and statements must confirm to __________.