General Environment Of Nokia

General Environment Of Nokia

Economic trends:  Identify the three economic trends most relevant to your company.  Discuss the most salient issues of the following: over the past three years, how have factors such as personal income, GDP growth, unemployment rates, interest rates, currency exchange rates, personal and corporate saving rates, etc. affected your company, if at all?  Provide facts, data, and other information to support your assessment.


Sociocultural trends:  Clearly identify the top three cultural trends most relevant to your company.  Discuss the most salient issues of the following: over the past three years, how have factors such as social attitudes, concern for the natural environment, shifts in work / career preferences, etc. affected your company?  Provide facts, data, and other information to support your assessment.


Demographic trends:  Discuss the most salient issues of the following: Over the past three years, how have factors such as changes in population size, age structure, ethnic mix, incomes, etc. affected your company?  Provide facts, data, and other information to support your assessment.


Political / Legal trends:  Discuss the most salient issues of the following: Over the past three years, how have factors such as Federal, state, and local laws, regulations, and policies affected your company?  Provide facts, data, and other information to support your assessment.


Technological trends: Discuss the most salient issues of the following: Over the past three years, how have factors such as new technologies, product innovation, private/public R&D expenditures, etc. affected your company?  Provide facts, data, and other information to support your assessment.

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