HIS201 Unit 7 Checkpoint #3: Sources Latest 2017 October

HIS201 Unit 7 Checkpoint #3: Sources Latest 2017 October

In a Word document, submit a list of 10 potential sources you will be using in the development of your final assessment. For each source you need to include the following:

1. Source written in APA format.

2. A summary of the source.

3. Identify the source as a primary or secondary source. (At least 2 sources in your checkpoint and in final assessment need to be primary sources)

Important Note: You will not need to use all 10 sources in your final assessment. This checkpoint is designed to help you gather sources in preparation for your final assessment.

You will need a minimum of 5 sources, at least 2 primary sources in your final assessment.

Before starting:

1. Review the following links for APA References: Perdue OWL:APA Reference List: Basic Rules Purdue OWL: APA Reference List: Electronic Sources

2. View videos about primary and secondary sources: Watch VideoPrimary vs Secondary Sources User: Rob Redmon – Added: 12/3/13YouTube URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqXHO7bTPnw Watch VideoUnderstanding Primary & Secondary Sources

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