How Do Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers Impact On Quality Of Life?

How Do Chronic Venous Leg Ulcers Impact On Quality Of Life?

This is a literature review dissertation and you will need to use at least 12
peer reviewed UK researched scholarly articles. I have however attached some instructions to follow and the rubric that should help you address the work as required. I have also attached the first pages of the articles I have found so far but will be sending through some more articles. As for now please do send me chapter 1& 2 of the work and the dissertation plan. However, the rest of the work can be delivered in stages as you finish working with the chapters. However the rest of the work should be completed by end February. In the introduction and background sections you need to really explain the extent of this problem and why healthcare professionals need to know how this problem impacts on quality of life. It's such a problem due t the rise of older patients who have leg ulcers and the resources it takes to care for people in this situation.

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