How do you write a Modest Proposal?have to make my own Modest Proposal, modeled after…

have to make my own Modest Proposal, modeled after Swift’s, for an AP English class, and after days and days of research I still have no clue what to write about. Every problem I’ve looked at seems to be far too intricate to solve with an “outrageous” solution similar to the one Swift uses. So far I’ve looked at:

State Pension Shortfalls in the United States
Federal health care spending
Federal entitlement spending
Global Warming (Methane is nowhere near as important as C02)
The Unsustainable Welfare States or France or Britain
Income Inequality in the US
Homelessness (not to much in detail though)

From the original proposal, it seems like every “modest” solution must: 1) criticize something through satire, 2) be entirely unfeasible, and 3) completely solve the problem it addresses. None of the above topics however allow for such a solution, and I haven’t found a single one yet which does.

For anyone who wrote a Modest Proposal, what issues or types of issues would you suggest examining? I want to use political or economic problems, but they don’t seem to work very well. Would it be easier to solve a social issue (i.e. poverty, homelessness, gay marriage, and illegal immigration)? I’d appreciate any anwers.

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