For this essay, you will be analyzing two newspaper articles about the scandal. The articles should be taken from one or two of the following mainstream newspapers: The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, or comparable newspapers in circulation and prestige outside North America.The articles you pick need to be substantive news reports of at least 1,000 words long. Do not pick editorials, op-ed pieces, or personal blogs hosted by the websites of these publications.
The objective of the essay is to examine how the scandal is reported in selected mainstream media. When analyzing the news stories, ask yourself the following questions: Is the scandal given a name? I.e. is it referred to as XX-gate? Or an allegation? An accident? Which individuals or what companies/government agencies are said to be involved in the scandal? Who are the villains and who are the victims? How are the villains and victims represented? How is blame attributed? Is the scandal portrayed as a person’s moral failure or an institutional problem? Whose opinions are sought for this news report? Are the specific word choices that reflect an underlying attitude or ideology? What aspects of the scandal are highlighted? Are there significant omissions? Depending on your close reading of the articles, you are most likely to come up with some other questions. These questions should guide your analysis and writing.
The sources must be properly cited using APA style.