Is our Immigration system fair for everyone?


· Is our  Immigration system fair for everyone?

· Is it fair to deny people access to be living in our country?

· What effects would deportation of illegal immigrants have on family members living legally within the United States? What options would be available to prevent separation?

Compose as complete of a draft as possible.  includes 7-10 sources using in-text citations as well as an accompanying bibliography using either MLA as Works Cited or APA as References. (use Real sources, make sure they are credible sources, no Wikipedia nothing like that) incorporated using in-text citations as well as an accompanying bibliography using either MLA as Works Cited or APA as References. Remember this is a rough draft. 

I’m looking for an informative approach with attention to ethically incorporating source material by documenting your preliminary sources.

You will revise and add the remaining sources to the next version, so be sure not to turn this in as incomplete.


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