“Laying The Foundation”

What conclusion(s) did you draw from step one (Laying the Foundation) (10 steps to successful strategic planning by Susan Barksdale) and why?  Can you correlate the need for strategic planning within your capstone project research and development (pandemic in a correctional setting)? As the reader, can you see the correlation between step one and an emergency plan?  Hypothetically, could you build your program without a set of priorities, goals, objectives, timeline, workforce, outcomes, mapping, commitment, and costs involved? Are all or part of the steps above listed in stage one of a strategic plan, and would they need to be addressed in an emergency plan? 


Stage one steps: defining the plan’s scope; identifying plans, outcomes, goals, and objectives; determining the timeframe for developing the plan; identifying key participants in developing the plan; mapping advocacy for the plan; gaining commitment for developing the plan; initiating the marketing of the plan.

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