M1A3 Ethics In Sport Counseling

Assignment 3: Ethics in Sport Counseling

It is vital to have a sound ethical foundation during all aspects of practice. As a sport psychologist, when providing counseling to student athletes, be sure to adhere to the code of ethics.For this assignment, search the Internet for the code of ethics of the American Counseling Association (ACA). Use the following keyword for your Internet search:ACAYou may also refer to the Web link in the American Counseling Association of this course.Read the following articles found in Doc Sharing:Ethical Issues in Exercise PsychologyEthics in Sport and Exercise PsychologySummarize the ACA code of ethics. Add bullet points with the ways the code may need to be different or interpreted differently for sports psychology clients. Add a conclusion that explains whether any dynamics and considerations of athletes as clients make the ethical code for sport psychologists unique. Submit your response in Microsoft Word and submit this to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned. Name your file SP6104_M1_A3_lastname_firstinitial.doc. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.

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