M2: NASA Spinoff Essay Directions

M2: NASA Spinoff Essay Directions
Two Two: NASA Spinoff Essay Directions
Step One: After reading the linked material regarding the many spinoffs attributed to NASA, choose one of the spinoffs as the topic for your essay.
Step Two: On your own, find out as much as you can about the spinoff you have chosen. You can use NASA.gov, the HCCS library database; and/or Google.
Step Three: Create an outline for your essay so you can plan what you want to tell the reader about the spinoff you have chosen. You will need to have three important details about the spinoff to make the body of your essay. See the example below:
1.    Introductory paragraph: In this paragraph, you will introduce the topic of your essay to the reader and it will include your thesis statement.
2.    First body paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss one of the details about your topic.
3.    Second body paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss one of the details about your topic.
4.    Third body paragraph: In this paragraph, you will discuss one of the details about your topic.
5.    Conclusion: In this paragraph, you will add a final thought to your essay about the topic you chose.
Step Four: Type your essay, using MLA style
1.    12 point type
2.    Times New Roman typeface
3.    Double-spaced
4.    Cite your source or sources for your information.
Step Five: Submit your saved essay in Word to Askonline for a tutor to provide you feedback on your work.
Step Six: Retrieve your essay and the tutor's comments from Askonline.
Step Seven: Revise your essay using the tutor's comments
Step Eight: Submit your revised (polished) version of your essay to EO2, using the Turnitin link.

Submit your Module Two Spin Off Essay using MLA style. Be sure to save your submission receipt for a 100; if you don't see a receipt,you have not submitted your essay; try again and use the Canvas Student Guide instructions to help you.
Include a works cited page to indicate your sources for the essay and cite those sources inside the essay as well.
Look at the sample essay to get a clear view of MLA style documentation of sources.
Submit your essay before the due date; late work is not graded. 
Module Two
A helpful link is at OWL Purdue: Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
How to successfully submit your essay:
https://guides.instructure.com/m/4212/l/64908-how-do-i-submit-a-turnitin-assignment (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
Also, give yourself time to use our online tutoring and specifically ask for their help with MLA style documentation. Link (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


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