Identify two geographical regions in the world where energy demand is growing. Analyse how the different energy sources supply this demand. Evaluate which region will be able to adequately supply their demand internally versus importing energy sources.
Introduction Over the last few years, the demand for energy has significantly enhanced all across the world (Energy Report, 2011). Further, energy management even needs to be a lot more sustainable as well as less dependent on continuously scarce fossil fuels (Energy Report, 2011). Today, energy is recognized as an important and essential component of the global economy (Energy Report, 2011). Users and customers need to be supported with a constant supply of energy and that too at extremely competitive rates. With this in consideration, this brief paper attempts to consider the case of Asia and Europe in terms of their growing energy demands. The paper also analyses the way the different energy sources supply the demands in these regions. Further, a comparative evaluation is made to determine the region that will be adequately able to supply their demand internally versus importing energy sources. The Case of Asia To start with the Asia here includes East Asia, South and Central Asia and lastly, Southeast Asia and Pacific. Asia is one of those regions that has seen rapid and strong and economic growth, especially in China and India. This is due to increasing population, rising uncertainty and political instability (WEC, 2013). As per WEC, the overall economy of the Asian nations is further going to enhance with enhanced demand and supply of energy atleast till 2050 (WEC, 2013)
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
Managing energy sources