AI, IT, AP, RFID, ADSL, AES, AMPS, ARPANET, ASIMO, AES, ANN’s, CBR, GA’s, NLP, AICPA, AIRES, ALU, AML, AWS, CF, EC2, CRM, AICPA, ASCII, AOL. These are just a very few terms related to the computer industry, emerging technologies and intelligent information systems. Do RFID tags at Wal-Mart help emerging technologies? Review the videos provided and discuss in no less than 250 words how your company/organization utilizes Intelligent Information systems or technological applications from a management perspective. Note: Some videos may have commercials and/or advertisements preceding the actual video.(You will need to make an additional, different post of no less than 50 words in the comment. see below)
What is RFID?
Duration: (4:31)
IS in Action- WalMart Supply Chain. wmv
Duration: (7:14) User: dgalletta
Intelligent Transport System
Duration: (5:55) Toyota UK
Please post your initial response with no less than 250 words early during the week (1st post) so that others will have time to review them for commenting.
After reviewing your peers posts, make one reply that consists of no less than 50 words (2nd post).
The Discussion post you need to respond to in 50+ words is also uploaded here. Please send me both the main post with 250+ words and response with 50+ words.
Please read the below:
This week's discussion may be either accessed through this tool or from the course menu.
Read each discussion question until you understand what is to be researched for your post and follow the directions for each one.
Please post your initial response with no less than 250 words early during the week (1st post) so that others will have time to review them for commenting.
Do not use "copy and paste" from the source in your response, but rather use your own words in the posting. Observe Faulkner's College policy concerning plagiarism as stated on page 27 of the Student handbook.
After reviewing your peers posts, make one reply that consists of no less than 50 words (2nd post) – Will be shared in the attachment ."I agree" or "Great post" response does not constitute a complete submission.