MKT 222 Milestone Three

Overview:Retail establishments must have a firm understanding of their industries, their marketplaces, and the forces that impact their success or failure. Additionally, they must establish solid retail strategies for current conditions and for future growth and stability. The final project for this course will enable you to examine these factors through a detailed analysis of a retailer of your choice.

Preparation:Before you begin preparations for this milestone, consider reviewing the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric, which provides an overview of the instructions, expectations, and grading criteria for the project as a whole. This document is available for review in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course. Please utilize your textbook, course resources, the Shapiro Library Summon database, and reputable sites on the internet as sources of information.

Prompt:The third phase of the retail analysis process is the competitive analysis phase. As you have learned in this course, competitive analysis is a strategic management method for assessing the strengths and weaknesses of current and potential competitors as a proactive means to reduce threats and to identify opportunities.

Using any of the resources available to you, including information gained from your research in Milestones One and Two, discuss the strategies of a key competitor to your retailer and compare those strategies to those of your retailer.Note that your retailers competitor may not necessarily be the market leader in the industry.Discuss important differences and similarities in strategy. What does the competitors future look like?

Requirements of Submission:Your submission should be two to three pages in lengthand should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Romanfont, and one- inch margins. The paper should conform to APA style. Use proper in-text citations, and list your references at the end of the paper. College-level writing is expected. Submissions should be free of grammatical and spelling errors.

Attached are Milestone One and Two to help guide in completing Milestone Three

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