MUSC&105: Music Appreciation

1. Listen to the following musical example( ), then write a brief statement — between 75 and 150 words long — describing the visual images it creates in your mind. 


2. Debussy’s piano prelude is titled “Ondine.”  Many composers choose a title to lead the listener in a desired conceptual direction.  After researching what the title is referring to (please see the links below), describe how Debussy’s music connects to the title (write 75-100 words).  Please reinforce your points with musical observations and terminology. ( )


3.  describe in a paragraph the following musical parameters.


  • rhythm [Is it steady, constant, elusive, intense,…?]
  • melody [Is the melodic material conjunct/disjunct, goal-directed/open, wide/close range, built with fragment/motives, repetition,…?] 
  • harmony [Describe the atmosphere created by the harmonic choices]
  • texture [Describe the texture and/or textural changes in the music.  Be sure to consult your textbook for texture types.]
  • dynamics [Describe the importance of dynamics in this work.]

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