Niche Marketing for Events and Leisure

Identify, discuss and critically analyse a product/ event / organisation / company or subculture which has not yet been exploited. How would you take this from a small entity to a larger, perhaps profitable business? How could you join different segments to create a more cohesive commodity? Again, keep in mind that the module concerns the events and leisure industries – talk to your tutor if you are unsure of the topic. 


When writing your assignment please make sure you include: 


• Historical perspective of the brand or subculture – Where did it come from? 

• How did it (option 1) or will it (option 2) go from a niche product or cultural movement to a reputable commercial entity? 

• What is the future for this product or culture? 

• Is there room for further expansion? 

• Who were and who would be the consumers for this product? 

• How would you grow the brand / culture without alienating those who were there ‘at the beginning’? 

• If you use an example that has been used in class, you need to address a different angle than what we have discussed in the module. 

• If you choose option 2, extra consideration will be given for creativity and uniqueness, since you are actually thinking of how you could bring your plan to market in the crowded field with a unique selling point (USP).

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