Outline the new product process for Pepsi Next. How consistent is their approach to the process described in the class?

  1. Outline the new product process for Pepsi Next. How consistent is their approach to the process described in the class? (10)
  2. PepsiCo has been quite persistent with pursing mid-calories beverage products – why do you think this is the case? Do you agree with their decision to introduce Pepsi Next? Why/why not? (5)
  3. How is the performance and market acceptance of Pepsi Next likely to impact the overall brand equity of Pepsi? Should PepsiCo have launched this product under a new brand instead? (5)
  4. The launch strategy seemed to heavily focus on generating trials. Why was this important? How else could the launch program have been structured? (5)


 The assignment should be submitted on Canvas in a single-spaced word document and should not exceed two pages. Ensure that your name is clearly printed on top. 

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