Part 2 Annotated Bibliography, Action Plan, and Measurement (50 points/ %)

Part 2 Annotated Bibliography, Action Plan, and Measurement (50 points/ %) 

  • There are three components in Part 2.
  • APA Style Referencing is encouraged.
  • Length requirement: no fewer than 2, no more than 4 pages (Times New Roman, 12 pt, double spaced)
  1. Annotated bibliography

Locate and use at least four credible, external sources (library, internet) to find solutions to your problem (author or publication should have relevant credentials). Submit an annotated bibliography that summarizes relevant findings from each source.  An annotated bibliography is a word document that lists the full citation of each source followed by a summary in your own words of the relevant information found within that document. Citation should include author, title, date, publisher or publication. Include web address if a website. provides this information if you search and select cite link below it. Summaries can be in bullets or paragraph form.

  1. Action plan

Document a step-by-step action plan for addressing the problem or challenge selected. Action plans should incorporate and apply what youve learned from your personal research (as documented in the annotated bibliography). Each action step should include a target due date. The steps of the action plan (or at least most of them) should conclude before the deadline for Part 3 so that you have feedback to provide on how successful or unsuccessful it was. No fewer than 4 steps. These should be documented as a workplan (a table in word or excel; at a minimum includes action step and target due date).

  1. Quantitative metrics

Document at least two key quantitative metrics you can use to assess how successful (or not) your action plan proves to be in resolving the challenge. This metric should be observable and measurable (e.g. interviews scheduled if looking for internship, % change in assignment grades if increasing GPA). If multiple people were asked to observe and track the metric, they should get the same score (you do not need to get multiple people to measure its just a good question to ask yourself to assess whether your measure is quantifiable and easy to be expressed in numeric indicators).

Grading for Part 2 will be assessed based on the following criteria:

  • Are all stated requirements met?
  • Did the student identify and thoroughly review at least 4 unique and credible (avoid personal blogs or obscure websites look for author or journal / publisher credentials) resources that accurately relate to the OB theory and topic at hand?
  • Is the action plan clearly related to the OB theory used, and does it apply new learnings to solving the problem?
  • Is the action plan actionable? Are there clear steps and dates identified that are doable during the semester?
  • Is the measurement plan actionable, quantifiable and clearly related to the action plan? Does it include target, desired metrics?
  • NOTE: Any late submissions will lose 20% of the possible points earned each day late. No credit will be given for assignments submitted more than 5 days late.

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