Persuasive Essay Due 2/22/17 @11:59 Explore the viewpoints of a particular essay inPatterns. Once you settle on a topic research a…

Persuasive Essay Due 2/22/17 @11:59
Explore the viewpoints of a particular essay inPatterns. Once you settle on a topic research a perspective and write a 3-4 page (notincluding the works citedpage) persuasive essay about a particular viewpoint. Integrate research on the opposing perspective of the same topic. Consider the two sides of an argument when choosing your topic and argue for and against your chosen topic in the essay always remembering to bring in counter-arguments. The goal of this essay is to question your own thinking especially on what is right and what is wrong and why. Refer toRules for WritingandPatternson constructing and evaluating arguments.
An exemplary persuasiveessay will:
have a coherent persuasive structure engage with the chosen supplemental texts through specific discussion of particular passages or quotes attend to grammar spelling appropriate punctuation and appropriate citation.
MLA format is required including in-text citations and a works cited page.
Must include two sources (one being aPatternsessay) and the other source must be approved by the instructor.

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