presentation and handout

As a reader you will find that my report contains a summary of the arduous work and my journey in the COOP training at Holiday Inn Hotel in Yanbu, which operates under the famous Holiday Inn chain around the world. You will find me talking about the hotel vision and mission as well as the HR department where I trained as hr coordinator and how I contribute to solve the diversity conflict problem. At the end you will find me listing the weaknesses I have experienced, the knowledge and skills that improved in me.

Holiday Inn Yanbu is a branch of the famous American brand that is a subsidiary of InterContinental Hotels group. Yanbu's Holiday Inn was established in September 1981 by Hasan Abdulhadi Taher. The hotel vision is to positioning their name in the customer minds as the best 5-star hotels in Yanbu and around the world. Holiday Inn is looking forward to make a difference in the individuals lives they serve every day, by providing personalized service and a superior hospitality product and commit to the hotel strong moral system and actively participating in the community which is the hotel goal. Different services were offered to the customers besides the accommodation in rooms and suites which are the business services including equipped business conference and meeting rooms, health and fitness center with a fully-equipped gym and a trained fitness instructors.

Roles and Responsibilities
I was trained at HR department in Holiday Inn of Yanbu. This department is same as any HR department that concern about all procedure related to the workforce starting from attracting the employee till evaluating their performance. Also, the HR department is responsible to

· Conduct the staff payroll and absence sheet,

· Coordinating for employees' daily transportation.

· Handling the staff relation issues in a confidential manner, including disciplinarians, grievance and capability.

· Using the (Oasys system) HR system.

· Working on governmental and insurance websites (muqeem, GOSI and Bupa website).

· Organizing the employees files including their contracts

· Collect letters from other departments which need the HR manager approval such as vacations, warning.

One of the requirement to complete the COOP training program is to make a contribution in the workplace that I have trained in. So, I chose to improve the diversity management in the hotel as a contribution in order to utilize and manage diversity effectively without difficulties and obstacles in communication between all employees. Diversity in the workplace means having people together from different ethnic backgrounds, religions and exchanging experience and knowledge. Sometimes diversity will also have bad impact on the workplace and make some misunderstand and conflict between employees. After my training weeks at the Holiday Inn Hotel in Yanbu, I observed there is a lot of communication problems between employees because of the high rate of diversity and having different nationalities at the work place, so from there I came up with the idea of the contribution.



This chapter discusses the contribution that can help Holiday Inn Hotel to minimize the negative effect of diversity in the work place. This research will analysis all data the hotel need it to identify the problem and proper solution.

The employees are the main valuable fixed asset in any organization, because they are the manpower that operate any organization, and the organization without enough employees will not has a good production, and without a good production the results is an organization with no profit. So the employee’s integration of course is very important to any organization, because their integration will affect their behaviors’ such as their stability in the organization, and will affect the employee’s loyalty to the organization that lead to so many sub problems inherited under it. So the human resource stuff should always know about the employee’s status, listen to their voice, opinion, suggestions, and we should know how to attract the employees and how to integrate them with each other to grow in the hotel. So the employee’s satisfaction will increase if their suggestions or requests are implemented, or at least if we tried to minimize their problems or the obstacles they face between each other. And this process will start if we asked the employees about what they accept and what they do not accept in their culture, and distribute surveys to find out the aspects of each background and culture of them. Then analyses it to find the best suitable solution, and raising awareness among employees of the importance of diversity in the workplace.

The problem was identified in the beginning of my training in the hotel. I used two methods to find out the problem for this project: observation and survey, which inherited under quantitative and qualitative methods of data collection alongside the studies, which based my research on. Holiday Inn hotel is having a high rate of diversity in it staff. Multiple nationalities are working together under each department in the hotel. The hotel has people coming from different countries including India, Pakistan, Egypt, Sudan, Nepal, Philippines and more. Workplace diversity brings a lot of creativity and inventiveness to a business among other things. However, if only properly cultured and managed. Otherwise, it is well known for causing organizational problems such as poor or lack of communication or misunderstandings between or among the employees in an organization, and this is the problem currently facing Holiday Inn Hotel. According to human resource specialists, controlling workforce diversity the outset before the aggravation of things is very important in such situations. Therefore, the hotel should timely find out the proper solution and create an innovative and comfortable work environment for employees to ensure continues flow of the work productivity.



2.2.1 Diversity Management:
Historically, organizations have used four ways to integrate the workplace—equal employment opportunity legislation, affirmative action, valuing differences/awareness-based diversity training, and managing diversity efforts. Equal employment opportunity is a commitment not to discriminate in the workplace, based on various categories protected by law (e.g., race, sex, religion, disability, age). Affirmative action is, first of all, a federal regulation that places an obligation on public agencies and many other organizations that receive federal grants or contracts. Affirmative action has been highly controversial in the United States, and its effectiveness in creating a truly integrated workforce has been moderate (Highland, 2007).

Managing a culturally diverse workforce may include changes in various HRD and HRM programs and processes. HRD professionals must be able to adapt current socialization, orientation, and career development processes to the needs of the new workforce. Training programs need to address all forms of workplace harassment. HRM professionals should consider adapting other policies (e.g., benefits) to meet the needs of the current workforce, including such things as day-care services, flextime, interpreters, and multilingual supervisors (Highland, 2007).

2.2.2 Theories of diversity management in the workplace
There are different approaches and specific approaches which can be embraced, regarding managing diversity in an organization. The most fundamental theories which can be employed in this case include; the institutional theory of diversity management, together with the resource-based theory of diversity management. Institutional theory
This theory recognizes the need to determine the overall structure of an organization. There is no way that the social environment can be separated with the organization as a whole. For the management to be able to understand the structure of the organization effectively, there is a need to recognize the different behaviors of employees. Limiting factors such as regulation are put into consideration by this theory as well. Most organizations, especially in the hotel and hospitality industry, are held to similar norms and practices. Through the provision of legitimacy through the actions upheld by the organization governance, organizations will be able to embrace diversity especially in the laws, norms and upholding regulatory requirements. This theory should be embraced in this case, and it the entity fails to comply with the law, its operations ought to be questioned, and it may be terminated for regulatory violation. Resource-based theory
The major focus of this theory is how the implementation of the concept of diversity will impact the resources of an organization. Four basic resources are considered important in an organization setting. These include; physical capital, financial capital, corporate capital resources and the human capital. Such resources can be a hindrance to the operations of the organization. Therefore, every industry and entity should be able to gauge the advantages which will be realized, upon implementation of different diversity strategies. The theory, however, still puts into consideration the importance of diversity management practices, and the relationship this has with innovation. Productivity and better market performance are also assured in this context.

2.2.3 Diversity management model
Diversity management is a conventional approach to management of workplace problems, related to the concept of diversity management. There is a need for the organization to embrace the implementation of a specific model, which will help frame the rationale, and the strategy or processes used in decision making in different organization functional units (Werner, 2012). The expatriate engagement model is one of the best models which should be embraced for diversity management in the entity. Engagement is all about the different connection personnel can feel especially with their host entities. The model takes into account the most reflective elements of engagement in the entity. These include; emotional connection, employee pride and organization goals and values. Embracing the expatriate engagement model will ensure that plans are embraced at a rate of 92% in the industry, without any form of employee reluctance, and everyone will be proud of their working and operational roles in different departments

2.3.1 Data Collection Types: Observation 
The observation is considered under qualitative method of data collection. I worked Holiday Inn Hotel, as an Assistant of the Human Resource Manager, my office was located in the middle of the administration near to HRM office. Here, I handled so many complains submitted to the HRM about conflict of employees with each other. There were numerous reasons for these conflicts, but the main reason rooted from the differences in their backgrounds and cultures. I was able to deduce that the workers failed to recognize, value, and appreciate the cultures of each other. For a case in point, both Hakim and Adam worked in the kitchen. While Hakim is a Muslim, Adam is a Christian. In one occasion, they disagreed. On reporting, Adam complained that Hakim had been refusing to help him because he was fasting. As such, he complained that Hakim was overworking him yet their pay slip reads the same. In this case, Adam was not aware that Muslims doing fasting at some days. If Adam could have known this custom and respected it, there would have been no reason for their disagreement. Survey
I conducted a survey with 30 employees who are working in Holiday Inn Hotel in Yanbu.(which consider as quantitative method). The objective of this survey was to explore the effects of diversity on employees, on their working environment, on their relationship between each other, on their productivity, and on the profit of the company. Also help the hotel to find a proper and suitable solution to the negative impacts of diversity. (Refer Appendix A)

Figure ‎2.1 Analysis of Question 1

Most of the employees work in Holiday Inn Hotel are from 3 to 6 years (46 %), while only (20%) work for more than 7 years which is a good thing. But (34%) contains new employees and who have up to 2 years with Holiday Inn Hotel.

Figure ‎2.2 Analysis of Question 2

(44%) of employees are from 31-40 years old, (40%) from 21-30 years old, and (16%) from 41-50 years old.

Figure ‎2.3 Analysis of Question 3

(77%) of employees are male, and (23%) are female.

Figure ‎2.4 Analysis of Question 4

This survey was conducted with employees from different departments. (33%) from kitchen, (11%) from sales and purchasing, (26%) from housekeeping, (16%) from finance, (10%) from front office, and (4%) from human resources.

Figure ‎2.5 Analysis of Question 5

(43%) from employees are strongly agree with company commitment to diversity, (30%) agree, (17%) disagree, around (5%) are neutral, and only (5%) are strongly disagree.

Figure ‎2.6 Analysis of Question 6

(40%) are disagree for the company respecting to their individuals and valuing their differences, which is a big percentage which is an indicator for existing unrespecting for others. This because of lacking in diversity management. (26%) are strongly agree for company's respecting, (20%) agree, (10%) neutral, and (4%) strongly disagree. Even though, I looked for the 40%, and I did not hesitate to this percentage.

Figure ‎2.7 Analysis of Question 7

(37%) of employees are disagree and they did not saw that other employees appreciate others race and ethnicity. (27%) are neutral, (20%) are agreed to the appreciation between employees. (13%) are strongly disagree to the appreciation between employees, and only (3%) are strongly agree.

Figure ‎2.8 Analysis of Question 8

Around (70%) of employees strongly agree and agree with discrimination between each other, which is not a percentage we can ignore it. This make employees feel uncomfortable because of unfairness between them. (5%) neutral (20%) disagree (5%) strongly disagree.

Figure ‎2.9 Analysis of Question 9

(43%) of employees disagreed to the existing of cultural diversity among emplotess when a job candidate visit the hotel for the first time. (26%) agreed to this expresion, (14%) are neutral employees, (10%) are stongly agreed to that, and (7%) are dtrongly disagreed.

Figure ‎2.10 Analysis of Question 10

63.3% think that the employees did not understand the importance of diversity and its benefits to the hotel. While 13.3% are neutral employees, and 23.4% saw that the employees understand the diversity and its importance for them. I can recognize that the employees does not have that much of awareness regarding the importance of diversity. This make the courses which will be about the importance of diversity a mandatory solution in this case.

Figure ‎2.11 Analysis of Question 11

(53%) see that the company's policies and procedures did not discourage the discrimination between employees, and (7%) strongly agree about this. (23%) agree and find that company's policies and procedures discourage discrimination and (10%) strongly agreed to that. (7%) are neutral.

Figure ‎2.12 Analysis of Question 12

(33%) disagreed with the expression of that, the company will take appropriate action in order to response to incidents of discrimination, (16%) strongly disagreed, (17%) neutral employees, (27%) agreed to that expression, and (7%) are strongly agreed. The percentage of disagreed employees is more than the agreed employees. I think this may because of the unconfident between employees and the company.

Figure ‎2.13 Analysis of Question 13

Around (33%) of employees are disagreed about that the company provides a free environment for them and allow to exchange their ideas, opinions, and beliefs between each other, and (3%) are strongly disagreed to that. Only (11%) are strongly agreed, and (23%) are agreed. The remaining employees are neutral. This question evaluate the employee's impression about the working environment's flexibility in the company.

Figure ‎2.14 Analysis of Question 14

Most of the employees saw that their supervisor does not handle the matters of diversity satisfactorily (around 53%), while (20%) of them are neutral, and only (4%) of employees saw that their supervisor can handle diversity issues successfully. That means most of the supervisors need basic courses about how to handle diversity matters successfully. And if there is a big problem which they cannot handle, they can refer to the management of diversity.

Figure ‎2.15 Analysis of Question 15

More than half of employees see and strongly agreed to the affect (50%) while (14%) are agree which will the education about diversity will make it, and how this will enhance the relationship and communication between them. (13%) are neutral, while around 23% did not see that effect.

Figure ‎2.16 Analysis of Question 16

Because they are employees who are working inside the company and see how the work is done, I asked them about their opinion about the effectiveness from learning about the importance of diversity on the company's profitability. (47%) strongly agreed about that effectiveness, (20%) agreed, (13%) are neutral, and around (17%) of employees are disagreed about that effectiveness.

The survey was conducted to investigate the effect of diversity on employees and establish the implications to the various affairs of the company in general. This was aimed at helping the company to eliminate any negative impacts brought about by diversity by providing a suitable solution. 30 employees were questioned in the survey. The employees who participated are diverse in terms of age, gender, race, line of work.

Most employees have an experience of between 3-6 years. Most of them are youthful as 43.3% are between 31-40 years old while 40% are between 30-40 years old. Majority of the employees are male at 76.7 %. The employees involved in the survey were from the different departments of the hotel. Most of them agreed with the company’s commitment to diversity with about 20% disagreeing. 40% of the employees disagreed that the company respected them and valued their difference. About half of the employees did not agree that they are appreciated if from different races or ethnicities, and they sensed discrimination. Over 50% do not think there is cultural diversity, with 60% being of the idea that importance of diversity is not understood. The majority did not think the company’s policy discouraged discrimination. About half of them do not believe the company will act against discrimination. Only less than 50% thought the company provided freedom of expression. The majority were not satisfied with how supervisors handled diversity matters but agree education on this matter will improve the situation. Most of them agree that learning the importance of diversity will enhance the company’s profitability.

Upon completion of this analysis, my findings were that there are a lot of problems brought about by little awareness of the benefits of diversity in the workplace. Moreover, employees do not know how to handle other cultures positively. Employees and all the other staff members need to be educated on the importance of diversity as well as its effect on the company performance. Starting from the top management to the low level employees, there should be training on the issue of diversity. The company should create a new position which is responsible for the management of diversity and a diversity policy should be in this workplace.

The propose solution of diversity problems in the workplace. The hotel should introduce a new department and position in the line of workforce diversity. The department and position may be called Workforce Diversity Management and Workforce Diversity Manager respectively according to Young, (2016). The diversity manager work directly and closely with the director of human resources. The job description of the diversity manager will be to improve, perform, and observe programs that promote and support diversity inside the company (Mor, 2017). This role is accountable for developing training and initiatives to create and reinforce an open and comprehensive environment. The diversity manager will serve as the HR ombudsman for diversity issues. Such as some course about equality in workplace, the importance of diversity and its affect the productivity. All of this led to create good and appropriate environment.

2.4.1 Basic functions of the diversity manager:
· Improve policies and schemes to appeal, retain, and encourage a diverse staff for the organization.

· Determine the suitability of proposed diversity initiatives and consider the exceptional requirements of the business.

· Involved in the formulation and improvement of policies that lead to the promotion and retention of a diverse workforce for the company.

· Establishes whether initiative for diversity should be introduced in the company while taking into consideration what the company needs (Katrin Hansen, 2016).

· Enhance the schedule of training to ensure appreciation, recognition and accommodation of individual differences among employees and workers and finding ways in which these can help realize the business plans of the company.

· Involved in the acquisition of electronic materials that will aid in teaching about diversity and help in facilitating of online training programs on the same (Gill Kirton, 2010).

· Facilitate the transition from older training material to new ones by updating them to the e-learning format.

It is of great importance to have an effective plan to enhance awareness on diversity. In-order to optimize the effect of diversity it is important to recruit a diversity manager. All employees should be aware that, as part of their mission, they increase awareness of diversity and respect of other cultures, age, and gender, and ethnicity, sense of humor, religious beliefs, and political affiliations among the employees. The company also should first of all lay down a clear strategy. This strategy will be considered and be implemented after the recruitment of the strategy manager in the hotel holiday inn Yanbu by end of 2018.

2.5.1 Strategies for Implementation:
· The competencies that should be in the diversity manager, communication skills, high level of consultation, global & Cultural Awareness, leadership & navigation, relationship management.

· Reducing the level of discrimination among employees at the workplace by offering them training on equality and equally in the workplace. This can be enhanced by setting a day in the calendar that will be used for offering training to the workers about the importance of embracing diversity

· Establishing a work environment that puts more focus on the performance of the employees with no actions that depict racism. This can be done by creating a policy that penalizes employees indulging in racist actions. Management should also encouraging victims to speak out.

· Bring and cultivate a culture of integration among the employees by letting them participate in fun and hobby activities. This can be done through organizing events like sports days in the organization periodically.

· Creating awareness among the employees about the importance of embracing diversity at the work place and providing emphasizing on the value of teamwork and unity. This can be done through organizing of seminars in conjunction with the human resource department.

The implementation plan will contain three parts: recruiting the diversity workforce manager, stipulating to them the organization’s culture and its objectives (what is expected of them), and offering him all the resources they require to function. Action Plan Implementation :



Recruit Diversity Manager

Competencies required on diversity manager communication skills, high level of consultation, global & Cultural Awareness, leadership & navigation, relationship management.

One Month

Training Course

Reducing the level of discrimination among employees at the workplace by offering them training on equality and equally in the workplace. This can be enhanced by setting a day in the calendar that will be used for offering training to the workers about the importance of embracing diversity

one course each two months

Bring Integration

Bring and cultivate a culture of integration among the employees by letting them participate in fun and hobby activities. This can be done through organizing events like sports days in the organization periodically

One activate each month

Table 2.1

2.5.2 Feedback
According to the strategies, after HR manager see this strategies he so satisfied and ask to implement this action plan in the hotel.

2.5.3 Future Recommendation
The life is moving and its requirements is increasing day by day, that affect the individuals whom living in its environment, and by the time the needs and wants of the individuals changed as well. These changes in the life also causes a change in the working environment, and since the individuals are working in this environment, the organizations should update them self to walk with its employees rhythmically. The organizations updates that competes its market, it helps the organization attract its employees by provide the professional workplace Finally, any individual should update his/her knowledge and skills according to the requirements, it will lead to better job, in better working environment, and better life.

In the meantime, in the future, the hotel should consider:

· Use its human resource manager and diversity manager to design and conduct diversity education, training programs, culture and management systems audit- these are audits that are conducted in to investigate where the biases to particular cultural groups originate from.

· Hire diversity workforce specialists to talk and lecture its human resources over the importance of diversity in the workplace. Tis implies that the hotel should undertake to make it known to its employees that a diversity and inclusivity would lead better productivity and an enhance performance of the hotel.

· Adopting diversity into the hotels strategic plan- there should be a deliberate move by the hotel to ensure that various practices within the organization, e.g. recruitment of the new employees who understands the importance of diversity and are ready and willing to appreciate it in the organization.

· Devise for future programs and policies that will support diversity education and training in the business organization. Such as requiring employees to attend all activities and events that will held by hotel to share some time with employees and make new friends.


This chapter explore and clarifies a set of skills and knowledge that i gained during my co-op training period at Holiday Inn Hotel. This chapter also explore the limitation and problems that faced in my co-op period. At the last of this chapter it will contain a set of future recommendations for co-op training and Holiday Inn Hotel.


After I finished with fourteen weeks of working in the HRM department, I gained a wide base of new skills, knowledge and experiences such as:

· Acquisition the daily managerial practices. (Organize effort and time).

· Learn how to utilization the new HR system perfectly.

· Improve social communication skills. ( As me worked in HRM was should deal with different kind of employees so this is help me to improve my communication skills).

· Improve writing knowledge. (How to write forms, report and contracts).

· Time management. (How to deal with many tasks at the same time).

· Improve my knowledge about government transactions for employees (Iqama – GOSI websites).

3.2.1 Limitations
As this the first chance for trainee to work in the labor market, So it's normal to face some challenges or limitation such as:

· In the beginning I was not familiar with the place of work because it is mixed work environment (male and female) no dedicated department for female. I have take a little time to know how the systematic work. My supervisor and the staff helped me to take this step and engaged me with them faster and easily.

· The continuous business trips of HR manager/Director, these trips always delay my work that is related to my projects. In their absence, the workflow stopped because of their signatures.

3.2.2 Recommendations For Holiday Inn Hotel :
· pay more attention to the trainees since there were no clear guidelines, and be more responsible to the trainee’s limited period of training.

· The full knowledge about the employee’s needs, requests, background and ability should be in continuous manner to increase their satisfaction.

· Providing materials, enough space and good facility for trainees in order to be more professional training course.

Generally, while diversity may pose serious problems to the issues of a company, it is still of importance to ensuring good performance of the same. Many ideas are brought together, through the exposure to different employees from different backgrounds. Therefore, while diversity causes these numerous hurdles, it is important that the company finds ways to ensure that it has dealt with a majority of them. This way, it will have minimal cons while gaining maximum benefits from ensuring a diverse workforce. In conclusion, the greatest lesson from my experience was the importance of surveys within and without the workplace. While gathering information about diversity, I got to learn a lot of things. The company has a rich source of information from conducting research. The research gives a sure way to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the company, solutions, and ways to measure the success of the solutions. For Yanbu University College Trainee Department
· It is better if the YUC make communication and arrangements with outside training places, because hard for all students to go and find place by them self.

· The co-op training outside the college is better than inside because this chance will give good experience, skills, clear picture of the labor market and prepares students for work in the future.

Cañas, K. A., & Sondak, H. (2014). Opportunites and challenges of workplace diversity: Theory, cases and exercises. Boston, BO: Pearson

Gill Kirton, A.-M. G. (2010). The dynamics of managing diversity. New

York: Routledge.

Holiday Inn Yanbu. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.).

IHG, (2017). Holiday inn Yanbu. Retrieved from

Katrin Hansen, C. S. (2016). Corporate social responsibility and diversity management: theoretical approaches and best practices. London: Springer.

Mor, B. M. E. (2017). Managing diversity. Place of publication not identified: Sage Publications Inc.

Ozbilgin, M. (2015). Global diversity management: an evidence-based

approach. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Powell, G. N. (2010). Managing a diverse workforce: learning

activities. Massachusetts: Sage Publications.

Stockdale, M. (2010). The psychology and management of workplace diversity. Malden, MA [u.a.: Blackwell.

Sharma, A. (2016). Managing diversity and equality in the workplace.

Dunedin: University of Otogo.

Workplace Answers. (2017). Online Diversity Training, Retrieved from:

Young J., (2016, Oct. 04). Workplace Diversity: How to Solve Diversity Issues in the Workplace. [Web log comment]. Retrieved from:


A1: The Survey


A2: The Survey


B1: PR 1


B2: PR 1

Q1. Work experience in Holiday inn (Yanbu)….    0-2 years    3-6 years    More than 7 years    34    46    20

Q2. AGE ..

Q2. AGE Under 21    21 to 30    31 to 40    41 to 50    0    40    44    16
Q3. Gender ..

Q3. Gender    Male    Female    77    23    Q4. Your department …    Front office    Finance    Kitchen    Sales and purchasing    HR    Housekeeping    10    16    33    11    4    26    Q5. This company is committed to diversity?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    5    17    5    30    43    Q6. This company respect individual and values their differences?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    4    40    10    20    26    Q7. At this company employees appreciate others whose race/ethnicity is different from their own?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    13    37    27    20    3    Q8. Discrimination between employees was sensed in this company?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree    Strongly agree    5    20    5    23    47    Q9. There is cultural diversity among the people a job candidate will meet/see on his/her first visit to the company?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    7    43    14    26    10    Q10. Employees at Holiday Inn Hotel understand the importance of diversity and inclusion and their benefit?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    13    50 13    17    7    Q11. The company’s policy or procedure discourages discrimination?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    7    53    7    23    10    Q12. I believe the company will take appropriate action in response to incidents of discrimination?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    16 33    17    27    7    Q13. This company provides an environment for free and opens ideas opinions and beliefs?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    3    33    30    23    11    Q14. My supervisor handles diversity matters satisfactorily?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    23    53    20    0    4 Q15. Education about diversity will enhance the relationship and communication among the employees?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree Strongly agree    3    20    13    14    50    Q16. Learning about importance of diversity will lead to increase the company’s probability of discrimination?    Strongly disagree    Disagree    Neutral    Agree    Strongly agree    3    17    13    20    47

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