programming a game

Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Semester “Project” for Programming SS 2014 If in doubt: Document your assumptions on further requirements that you intend to implement and your design decisions. Deliverables: Source code as one ZIP file together with all files that are additionally needed (e.g. configuration, icons, …) in that ZIP file. Short textual description how to start the game. Non Functional Requirements 1. The system shall be implemented in Java 2. Source code shall be documented using JavaDoc 3. The system shall be organized in several classes. 4.

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Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? Semester “Project” for Programming SS 2014 If in doubt: Document your assumptions on further requirements that you intend to implement and your design decisions. Deliverables: Source code as one ZIP file together with all files that are additionally needed (e.g. configuration, icons, …) in that ZIP file. Short textual description how to start the game. Non Functional Requirements 1. The system shall be implemented in Java 2. Source code shall be documented using JavaDoc 3. The system shall be organized in several classes. 4. For each class module tests are defined and usable. 5. Error handling has to be realized with the Java exception handling system. Functional Requirements 6. Random Questions: Questions shall be randomly presented (for subsequent trials different questions have to be presented). 7. Questions: The answer to a question shall be rewarded with the following amounts £100, £200, £300, £500, £1,000, £2,000, £4,000, £8,000, £16,000, £32,000, £64,000, £125,000, £250,000, £500,000, £1,000,000 (other currencies such as EUR are allowed of course) 8. Question Pools: Questions shall be assigned to at least three pools: a. questions of up to £1,000 award, b. questions of up to £32,000 award, and c. questions of up to £1,000,000 award 9. Interaction: After viewing a question, the contestant can leave the game with the money already won rather than attempting an answer. Interaction shall be implemented with a graphical user interface (alternatively text based input output using the Terminal window is possible but leads to fewer points towards the final grade; alternatively interaction using blueJ method calls (i.e. method calls through context menus in blueJ environment) is also possible but leads to even fewer points towards the final grade). 10. Each question shall be displayed together with 4 different possible answers of which only one has to be correct. 11. There is no time limit to answer a question. 12. Answers: The system…


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