programming assignment

Hello, i m having troubles in making this assignment and also i dnt want any plagiarism.I can only pay 30 dollars

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Assignment1/Prog2 Assign1 sem1 2014 2100 6100.docx
Assignment 1
Semester 1, 2014
Assignment Overview:
This assignment requires you to complete various tasks involving classes you write yourself. You may also use classes that you find in the SDK. The theme will be chosen by you, modelling on example code you are provided for an imaginary Car hire company system. Note that this is a conceptual modelling and programming exercise only. It is designed to test your understanding of various aspects of object oriented design using Java programming. It is not intended to be a model of what happens in the real world – so you can make assumptions that may not “make sense” in the real world.
You will be required to develop your application using Java in the Eclipse environment. You will need to zip the whole project up when you are finished and submit it on Moodle by the due date. You will also need to submit a report (both electronically in Moodle and as a hard copy). The report will require some written and diagrammatic information describing your system as well as answers to questions which will be outlined in the various tasks. Please write clearly and IN YOUR OWN WORDS (plagiarism is NOT acceptable – refer to Course Description).
It is expected that each student will creatively design and author a unique system based on individual choices that fit with the requirements listed in each task. Before you begin, read over the entire assignment and understand all the tasks. Read through the sample code provided, test it and play with it so that you understand how it works. The sample code is provided as an example system. You are to write your own system yourself, although you may find some code from the sample that helps you. Acknowledge all code that you do not write yourself with in code comments.
All code must conform to stylistic standards including proper commenting, appropriate choice of identifier names, proper indenting and other readability issues. Otherwise,…


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