Programming in Java

MIS4310 – Programming in Java
Final Exam Project – Problem 5
A film studio asks a team of software analysts to create a movie database that is a text file of CSV format named “movieDatabase.txt”. The project includes the development of a window application that can be used to enter data of movies into the database.
The window application provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to enter the following pieces of data of each movie:
Movie ID (an integer of 10 digits)
Movie title
Movie director’s full name(String – e.g.

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MIS4310 – Programming in Java
Final Exam Project – Problem 5
A film studio asks a team of software analysts to create a movie database that is a text file of CSV format named “movieDatabase.txt”. The project includes the development of a window application that can be used to enter data of movies into the database.
The window application provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to enter the following pieces of data of each movie:
Movie ID (an integer of 10 digits)
Movie title
Movie director’s full name(String – e.g. John Smith)
Movie main actor’s/actress’ full name (Assumed that only one main actor or actress)
Movie start date(String – e.g.: 05/16/2000)
Movie premiere date (String – e.g.: 07/01/2012)
Movie premiere location (String – e.g.: Los Angeles)
The team has done excellent jobs developing the window application used to create the movie database. The film studio executives want to expand the project. They ask the team to create another window application that can be used to search for movies in the database.
The search window application provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to enter the following pieces of data used for a movie search:
A movie attribute that the user wants to target in the search
The value of the attribute that the user wants to search for
Besides providing searches based on each attribute, the search program displays all the records that currently exist in the database if the search attribute is “ALL”. For a search, the search program displays the text “No matched record is found in the database.” if no record is found.
The window application displays the search results in text: each movie is displayed by a line of CSV format that contains all data fields of the movie.
Design the graphical user interface (GUI) of the application, using Microsoft Power Point or any other suitable software program.
Develop class Movie in a new package named “COMMON_MOVIEDB”.
Add class FileIO (see details in the…


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