Project Financing Case Study (Project Sukuk, Islamic Finance)

Project Financing Case Study (Project Sukuk, Islamic Finance)


This is a case study on project financing on a Power Plant in Malaysia. I will upload the information memorandum of the project which is mostly financed by a Project Sukuk.
I will also provide a word file with a very detailed outline that indicates the information you will find on the information memorandum and to provide an idea on how the thesis should be structured.
The info memo also contains CashFlow forecasts, which are wrong on the main info memo. I will send you the supplemental info memo with the correct values (on the appendix).
The outline i will provide is just to give an idea of the work to be done, not the actual outline. I would also need someone who can perform different types of financial analysis, risk analysis, sensitivity analysis and monte carlo simulations on a few variables not covered by insurance.
– The variables i have put on the word file for the sensitivity analysis are not the actual variables to be analysed. They are just to give an idea.
-In the word file i will also provide an Abstract with some questions that the thesis is supposed to answer. I would also like that to be written a bit better.
Lastly, Please send me the outline before you proceed with the writing as it needs to be approved by my professor first.

Please let me know if i can help with anything.
Best Regards,


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