Introduction to Psychology Article Summary Assignment Fall 2013 1 As you re learning, psychology advances by way of research and academic discourse. More specifically, as a college student, you will be required to know how to obtain and evaluate scholarly articles. This requirement is designed to help you become knowledgeable consumers of the literature. To this objective, you will hand in 1 summary that is worth a total of 100 points (equivalent to an exam grade). Assignment: I will provide you with options from which to select your article (See below).
Introduction to Psychology Article Summary Assignment Fall 2013 1 As you re learning, psychology advances by way of research and academic discourse. More specifically, as a college student, you will be required to know how to obtain and evaluate scholarly articles. This requirement is designed to help you become knowledgeable consumers of the literature. To this objective, you will hand in 1 summary that is worth a total of 100 points (equivalent to an exam grade). Assignment: I will provide you with options from which to select your article (See below). Once located, your job will be to summarize the article according to the guidelines below. Each summary should be between 3-4 double-spaced pages (12 point normal font-e.g. Times New Roman, 1-inch margins, stapled with numbered pages) and. Your reference page must conform to APA style. Suggestions for Reading the Article and Writing the Summary ? Highlight selectively and/or take notes on a separate sheet of paper-Do not copy passages. Take note of important facts and use your own words. ? Most articles can be divided into the following sections: Introduction Methods Results and Discussion. These articles are easiest to summarize because you can glean important information from each section and it can help you to organize your summary. * Introduction: What is the rationale for the study? This section usually states the hypothesis(es). What are they? * Method: What was the population from which the sample was drawn? Why was this particular sample selected? What did the participants do-e.g. complete a survey, participate in an interview? What kind of research was this: Experimental? Correlational?
Introduction to Psychology Article Summary Assignment Fall 2013 2 * Results: You do not have to focus heavily on statistical analyses here, but see if you can get a general idea of what was done. * Discussion: Were the author’s hypotheses supported or rejected? (Notedo not use the word “prove”) What were the author’s…