· Describe the ad. You may include a link to the ad if it is accessible via the Internet. Using any of the theories or concepts you have learned throughout the course, critique the ad. Who is the target audience, and how is the marketer attempting to appeal to the audience?
· Apply theories or concepts you have learned to suggest a constructive redesign of the ad.
DISCUSSION #2.Reflecting on the earlier discussion of the use of cognitive performance-enhancing drugs by someone with a healthy brain, do you think that expectations about memory, learning, and problem-solving can affect cognitive performance?
Think of an area of your personal or professional behavior that you would like to change. Use your understanding of intelligence and metacognition to help you make some reinforcements for change in this area.
· Describe a learning experience related to your behavioral target area. Make sure to elaborate on the learning goals and any associated desired changes in behavior.
· Identify reinforcers you would use to help stay on track.
· Predict how behavior patterns, thoughts, and feelings may change after the learning experience.
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