Public Writing Essay 1

Public Writing EssayUsing the topic you selected in Week Threes Business Writing Essay assignment construct an essay that discusses a public issue or concern. For this assignment choose one of the following:
The essay should use standard writing practices such as subheads bullets charts and figures. The essay
Week Threes Business Writing Essay assignment
Business Report: Poor Employee Performance
Employees form a very important part of the organization because they directly contribute towards the performance of the organization (Weightman 2008). The employees of New World Solutions Ltd (NWSL) have been found to be performing poorly because they rarely meet the objectives that have set for them. For this reason the company is facing problems in the market because its competitiveness is very low. It has been unable to meet its targets and this is having a negative impact on its general performance. Keeping in mind that the employees are the driving force of any organization their poor performance implies that the organization cannot perform as expected. It is therefore necessary for corrective measures to be put in place to ensure that employees are able to perform as expected of them by the organization as well as other stakeholders.
The performance of employees is greatly affected by motivation and this implies that the organization should find out the different reasons as to why employees are not motivated and solve the problem. It is important for NWSL to take a look at the situation and reveal the different factors that are affecting the situation. This will reveal the problem and it will be easier to handle.
Employees should be adequately trained on different jobs and be provided with necessary resources for them to boost the levels of their performance at work.
The Problem
The internal analysis of the organization has revealed that there is a poor performance by the employees across different departments of the organization. This is a problem because it is against the expectations of the organization. When a business is established it is expected to be successful and this depends on how the employees will perform. If employees fail to perform then there is a problem that needs to be addressed in the best way possible so that normalcy is restored in the organization. In the different department of an organization there are specific duties and responsibilities that should be achieved to contribute towards the overall success of the organization. These duties and responsibilities are broken down into smaller assignments that are given to different employees. The success of the organization is determined by the extent to which such assignments are accomplished. With respect to NWSL such assignments are not accomplished.
The lack of accomplishment of the duties and responsibilities has been linked to various factors. The first major cause is the idea that the majority of the employees do not possess the necessary skills and knowledge that should them to accomplish the tasks assigned to them. When employees do not have the necessary know-how they are likely to perform poorly. In addition to this it has also been noted that the employees are not being provided with adequate resources that should enable them to perform different tasks effectively. Without resources employees cannot deliver according to the expectations. Lack of resources implies that employees do not have the basic support that they need. This limits their ability to achieve different goals and objectives assigned to them.
Courses of Action
With respect to the problems identified at NWSL there is a variety of solutions that can be implemented for the interest of making sure that the companys employees perform as it is expected of them.
Employee training and development
Employee training and development basically refers to teaching employees on how well they can boost their performance at the workplace (Michael Haccoun & Belcourt 2010). As stated earlier one of the major causes of poor employee performance at NWSL is the lack of proper knowledge and skills. Through employee training and development the employees will have the opportunity of being trained on what it takes to perform different duties and responsibilities. Additionally taking into account the current dynamic business environment it is necessary for employees to be updated with different skills so that they can improve their performance.
Provision of necessary resources
The analysis also revealed that the employees are not provided with the resources that they need for them to perform as they are expected. With regard to this it is necessary for the organization to take the responsibility of making sure that they resources are provided. For instance the organization should provide different tools and equipment that employees in different departments need. Necessary equipment boosts the ability of employees to perform better.
Consequences of taking action
Taking the different courses of action will come along with different consequences with respect to the identified problem. It is noted that the major problem is the poor performance of employees and this has been generally linked to the lack of motivation at work. Given this scenario it is necessary for the organization to take various courses of action in making sure that a solution is found. The implementation of the solution is expected to boost the overall motivation of employees although this will come in different ways.
Increased knowledge
As a result of employee training and development employees will be more knowledgeable. When employees are trained on different aspects they increase their knowledge base and this boosts their ability of performance. This is a consequence of receiving relevant information in connection to what the employees are expected to do. Once the employees have this knowledge they will be more motivated because they will be confident that they will be doing the right thing. For the interest of boosting the knowledge base and the confidence of employees it is necessary for them to undergo additional training and development. Trained employees perform better than those who are not. This is a direct consequence of the course of action will boost the overall performance of the employees.
Empowerment is a consequence of providing employees with the resources that they need. As aforementioned it is the responsibility of the organization to provide the necessary tools and equipment that employees need so that they can improve their performance. This will empower the employees in the sense that they will have all it takes to ensure that they do their best. It is important for an organization to single out the specific resources that employees need to accomplish the duties and responsibilities that have been assigned to them. By doing this it will be possible for the overall performance of the employees to be boosted because the organization will be showing support. Employees performance is better when they receive the support that they need.
General motivation
Taking the courses of action identified above will lead to the general motivation of the employees. As much as employees are paid for the different services that they provide this might not be enough to motivate them to perform to their best. Therefore it is necessary for the employer to provide additional measures that will boost the motivation of the employees to ensure that they deliver the best of services. Providing training and development as well as the necessary resources needed at work is a great booster to the motivation of employees (Laudy 2005). This implies that they will perform better and enable the organization to be more competent in the industry that it operates.
The performance of employees in an organization largely depends on how much they are motivated. Taking this into account it is the responsibility of the organization to devise ways through which it can motivate its employees to improve their performance. The most effective strategies to achieve this include training and development as well as the provision of the necessary resources.
Laudy S. (2005). Motivating Employees. Alexandria: ASTD Press.
Michael A. Haccoun R. & Belcourt M. (2010). Managing Performance Through Training and Development. Ontario: Nelson Education Limited.
Weightman J. (2008). The Employee Motivation Audit. Cambridge: Cambridge Strategy Publications Limited.

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