Reflective Journal

Now that you have completed your Narrative Essay preparatory activities (free write and outline), reflect back on this process, how it went, and what you’ve learned from it. Write a brief reflection journal in which you address the following questions (from The Writer’s Way, p. P-6):

1.  What just happened? (What did I/we do?)

2.  What was the purpose of doing this activity? (Why did I/we do it?)

3.  What did the reading in the textbook say about this activity? [For this question, identify one concept, idea, or instruction from the textbook that struck you as interesting or significant.]

4.  What was the point of this reading?

5.  How can I use this activity or information going forward?

Important: Do not write just one-sentence answers to the above questions. Write at least a paragraph for each. You might want to review the additional explanations on p. P-6 before your proceed.

You do not have to use APA Style for this assignment, but your journal must use 12-pt. Times New Roman and be double spaced.

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