Assessment 2: Reflective report (30%) Overview This assignment continues on from Assignment No. 1 and provides students the opportunity to apply the concepts learned in this and previous coursework to analyse a real-world case study scenario. This scenario will illustrate through example the practical importance and implications of management and strategic planning. This analytical exercise will improve students understanding and ability to think critically about the business and its future direction, so as to better able to understand and analyse real business problems and strategies. Details This assignment focuses on More specifically, this assignment includes the analysis of the current and future strategies relating to the Sales and Marketing of You are to apply the concepts and frameworks learnt from previous coursework and apply them to the situation faces. The report will include the following key areas Analysis of Alibabas competitive position; sales and marketing strategies; and recommendations for the future. Formatting requirements 12 point font size; 1.5 spacing, Arial font style. References according to Harvard Referencing Style. Late reports will attract a 20% penalty of the assignment mark for each d ay late. i Note: Further details and materials for this assignment will be made available to the students in the Session 4 class and posted on vUWS. i Note: Number of words: 1,500 words plus References and Appendix. Due: Post your report onto Turnitin by the end of the Week 7 class (Monday 18 May 2015 at 10pm). Learning guide Quarter 2, 2015 2 0 0 8 2 3 1 I N T E G R A T E D B U S I N E S S E X P E R I E N C E 1 Q U A R T E R 2 2 0 1 5 | S E C T I O N F I V E 2 Marking criteria and standards CRITERIA EXPECTATIONS NOT MET MEETS EXPECTATIONS EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS Analysis of data and information presented in the report (15 Marks) No relevant data presented Some good but sound data presented, with some relevant analysis. Complete and comprehensive data and information presented with all relevant analysis undertaken. Recommendation s and possible options (10 Marks) Recommendations or options not made or any that are not supported by relevant analysis or information available. Good recommendations and/or options relating to analysis but with some gaps Comprehensive and sound recommendations and/or options based on analysis. Overall report style (e.g. easy to read, good flow of thoughts, interesting and well written) and layout. (5 Marks) Basic report with no reader engagement. There is no obvious logic and is hard to read. Report creates some interest and provides some insights and logic with a basic structure. Report is well laid out and has logical flow of thoughts, is well structured
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
reflective report