Research Paper Strategies and Interventions
For this paper you will write six to eight (6-8) page paper comparing the utility and efficacy of a tactic and various strategies that were employed across differing ecological levels to promote one particular health behavior change. For further guidance see grading rubric located within the “Assignment Guidelines” of this syllabus.
1. In this paper you will use the ecological model to put together concepts studied throughout this course.
2. Search the library and find an article that thoroughly describes a health promotion program that uses interventions to try and change health behaviors in the context of an ecological model.
• Identify 2 strategies and 1 tactic per strategy that the program used. Have each of the strategies address a different level of the ecologicalmodel (since you have 2 strategies you will be explaining 2 levels of the ecological model in detail). For example describe one strategy and one tactic that your selected program used to address the health issue at the individual level, and another strategy with a tactic used at another level such as the community level.
• Address the following areas in your paper applying corresponding section headings:
• Brief overview of the ecological model (ONE SHORT PARAGRAPH)
• Explanation of program you chose and ecological model that is the framework for the program
• What health behavior is the program trying to change?
• Why is it important to try and change that health behavior? (incidence & prevalence of issues that could occur due to health behavior)
• Detail how each of the two strategies addressed two different levels of the ecological model (1 strategy addresses 1 level)
• Evaluate each strategy and tactic
3. Formatting: write 6-8 P pages content double–spaced New Times Roman Font size 12. This is in addition to the title page, referencepage. Use section titles corresponding to the paper outline.
4. References: Must be in APA format. Select 8-10 current published references (2008 – preseent) references (excluding the course text, including at least three published scholarly article). Wikis are NOT allowed.