1. The ISP enables you to A. tell if your hard drive is out of space. B. transfer information from one type of program to another. C. search for information on the Internet. D. connect your home computer to the Internet. 2. When the research you include in your presentation applies to and helps develop your purpose, it means that youve made sure its A. sufficient. C. interesting. B. efficient. D. relevant. The Research Process When you feel confident that you have mastered the material in this study unit, go to http://www.takeexamsonline.com and submit your answers online. If you dont have access to the Internet, you can phone in or mail in your exam. Submit your answers for this examination as soon as you complete it. Do not wait until another examination is ready. Questions 125: Select the one best answer to each question. EXAMINATION NUMBER: 05001500 Whichever method you use in submitting your exam answers to the school, you must use the number above. For the quickest test results, go to http://www.takeexamsonline.com Examination Examination 80 Examination 3. Imagine that in your research youve used an article by Mary Jones titled Tips for Writing Effective Resumes from an online periodical called Business Week Online. Which of the following is the correct form for the Works Cited entry for this source? A. Jones, Mary. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes. Business Week Online. 13 May 2004. 26 June 2004. http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/may2004/ ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. B. Jones, Mary. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes. Business Week Online 13 May 2004. 26 June 2004. http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/may2004/ ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. C. Mary Jones. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes. Business Week Online. 13 May 2004. 26 June 2004. http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/may2004/ ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. D. Jones, Mary. Business Week Online. Tips for Writing Effective Resumes.13 May 2004. http://www.businessweek.com/careers/content/may2004/ ca20040513_3069_ca009.htm. 26 June 2004. 4. To locate a specific site on the World Wide Web, you need to supply A. user information. C. your ISP information. B. a Web address. D. an e-mail address. 5. Periodicals are best used to find out A. the latest information and ideas about a focused topic. B. extensive background information related to a broad topic. C. basic facts about a topic. D. extensive discussions related to theories, opinions, and ideas. 6. Imagine that youre doing a research project on current trends in the computer industry. You want to find some basic facts and history about computers quickly. The best source to use is A. a newspaper article about the new personal computers on the market. B. a book about the history of computers. C. journal article about computer sales. D. an encyclopedia article about computers. 7. You should use ample personal discussion and analysis in your research presentations because A. most experts opinions are biased and outdated. B. quotes, paraphrases, and summaries dont prove or explain themselves. C. your own personal experiences are sufficient. D. it masks the fact that youre uninformed. Examination 81 8. A URL is also known as a/an A. icon. C. Web address. B. hard disk. D. ISP. 9. Which one of the following sentences uses the passive voice? A. The guerrillas strength grew, and the bureaucracy became afraid. B. The jungle is no place for a child. C. A decree was given to the warriors. D. A child emerged from the jungle to lead his people. 10. Imagine that in your research youve used a newspaper article you found online. The author is Peter Smith. The article is titled Unemployment Falls. Which of the following is the correct form for the Works Cited entry for this source? A. Peter Smith. Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. 21 January 2004. . B. Peter Smith Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. 21 January 2004. C. Smith, Peter. Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. 21 January 2004. . D. Smith, Peter. Unemployment Falls. New York Times on the Web. 6 May 2002. . 11. Which designation indicates a commercial Web site? A. .edu C. .org B. .com D. .mil 12. For a paper to achieve coherence, a paragraph A. may explain a point not related to the thesis if the next paragraph returns to the thesis. B. must support the thesis in logical connections one to the next. C. may either support or modify the thesis. D. should begin with a transition like however. 13. Which one of the following phrases is redundant? A. A heavy load C. A load heavy with grapefruit B. A heavy load of grapefruit D. A load heavy in weight 14. A search engine enables you to A. bookmark favorite pages for easy access later. B. connect to a better ISP. C. enter keywords to help you find Web sites. D. determine the settings of the host computer. 82 Examination 15. Which of the following statements employs a stereotype? A. A police officer should never carry an unloaded gun in his or her holster. B. Police officers should never carry unloaded guns in their holsters. C. Policemen should never carry unloaded guns in their holsters. D. A police officer should never carry an unloaded gun in his/her holster. 16. The best way to avoid plagiarism in a research presentation is to A. use only direct quotations and summaries. B. summarize all material thats longer than a page. C. use primarily your own experience, avoiding other sources. D. acknowledge all cited information that isnt common knowledge. 17. What term is used for the words or phrases you enter into a search engine to look for information about a specific topic? A. Keywords C. ISP B. URL D. Domain names 18. The term used for the list of Web sites you get when you do a search is A. search engines. C. domain names. B. URLs. D. hits. 19. Imagine that in your research you find a great many facts about the history of computers. You want to include the general idea in your paper in a much shorter form. You would most likely use a A. paraphrase. C. summary. B. direct quote. D. personal comment. 20. Electronic databases contain listings of A. periodical articles. C. books. B. Internet sources. D. encyclopedias. 21. Imagine that in your research youve used an article titled Computers from The Encyclopedia Britannica. The article has no author. Which of the following is the correct form for the Works Cited entry for this source? A. Encyclopedia Britannica. Computers. 18th ed. 2001. B. Computers. Encyclopedia Britannica. 18th ed. 2001. C. Computers. Encyclopedia Britannica. 18th ed. 2001. D. Computers. Encyclopedia Britannica. 18th ed. 2001. 22. When you do research, you must document which of the following? A. Only passages of text that you quote directly B. Only the facts that you take from a source C. Only facts and direct quotes D. All ideas that you take from a source Examination 83 23. Which of the following passages correctly punctuates a sentence using an MLA-style parenthetical citation? A. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training. (Smith 3) B. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training (Smith 3). C. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training (Smith 3). D. According to one source, many adults find distance learning the best option for midlife career training. (Smith 3) 24. Which of the following passages correctly shows MLA style usage of a summary with a direct quote? A. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. The company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for (Brown 2). B. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. His company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for. (Brown 2) C. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. The company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for. (Brown 2). D. According to Richard Bayer, chief operating officer for a New Yorkbased job placement company, the Internet is a great tool for job searches. The company advises checking the Internet daily for job postings, but you should also use the Internet to find out more about companies that you might like to work for. According to Bayer, Applying for a job online can make the hunting process seem easybut thats no excuse for being lazy. You still need to do your homework on companies you want to work for (Brown 2) 25. Writing personal comments as you take notes during the research process is important because this activity A. helps you interact with the information to form your own opinions. B. organizes your ideas for when you present your research. C. provides summaries and paraphrases of the source information in your own words. D. shows how much you already know so you dont need to ask further questions.
Written on May 3rd, 2018 by
research process