Search And Rescue With Unmanned Ground Vehicle Design

Economic analysis 

• Describe the upstream and downstream economics of your project (Search and rescue UGV). Considerations should include the market, prototype cost, full-scale production projections (if appropriate), etc. Explain how this might shape your design. 


Environmental impact analysis 

• From a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) perspective, describe the expected upstream and downstream environmental impacts of your project, especially at full scale and with respect to alternatives. Explain how this might shape your design. 


Social impact analysis 

• Describe the upstream and downstream social impacts of your project, especially at full scale and with respect to alternatives. Topics might include accessibility, impact to available jobs, quality of life, etc. Explain how this may shape your design. 


Ethical analysis 

• From the perspectives discussed in the Engineering Ethics lecture and course(s), describe the ethical considerations of your project. Explain how this may shape your design. 

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