Social Psychology Short Essay Questions
Answer each question in a minimum 400 words , Answer the questions below thoroughly, substantively and in narrative format (in paragraphs and complete sentences; lists, sentence fragments and bulleted items are not permitted). Base each answer on an assigned reading from the text and/or the weekly course Lessons. Answers may range from 300 to 500 words with some requiring more detail and longer lengths and some requiring less. Quoting is not permitted . All answers must be paraphrased (which means restating what you read in your own words).
Essay answers must be more than 3 or 4 brief sentences, but kept within the bounds of a short-answer essay exam (i.e., 2-3 paragraphs). All your writing must be in your own words. Paraphrase (restate what you read) rather than copying material from the course textbook or the Internet. No copying is permitted in this course and doing so will result in zero points on the exam. Answers must be written in narrative, paragraph form. Lists and/or sentence fragments also will not receive points.
1. Differentiate the forming, norming, storming and adjourning stages of group development.
2. What are the dangers of groupthink?
3. Describe three factors which influence interpersonal attraction.
4. What hypothesized cause of aggression did Albert Bandura’s famous Bobo doll experiment investigate and how?
5. How does the military battle commitment to “leave no man behind” exemplify the vested interest model of human helping behavior.