State of Connecticut Worker’s Unions – Role of Negotiation

State of Connecticut Worker's Unions – Role of Negotiation

Write a one to two page paper describing the role that negotiation played in the case study you selected as the topic for your course paper or in another conflict with which you are familiar. 
Reading this week: Crucial Conversations, chapters 1, 2, and 3
Mayer, chapter 8, pp 211–244 "Negotiation"
Mayer, B. (2012). The dynamics of conflict resolution: A guide to engagement and intervention (2nd Ed.). Wiley Publishers. CA: San Francisco. ISBN-13: 978-0470613535

VanSant, S. (2003). Wired for conflict: The role of personality in resolving differences. Center for Applications of Psychological Type. FL: Gainesville. ISBN-13: 978-0935652680

Patterson, K., Grenny, J., McMillan, R., Switzler, A. (2012). Crucial 
conversations: Tools for talking when the stakes are high (2nd. Ed). McGraw-Hill. NY: NY. ISBN: 13-9780071771320

To writer 114463: This is an 8 week course. I will be writing papers on the same topic focused on State of Connecticut Unions for the next several weeks. Piggybacking each week then at the end it will add up to a 10 page paper on same topic.


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