
Assignment 2 & Your first step for the final project project is to identify a data set of interest from Kaggle that is amenable to Excel manipulation and allows for extensive application of analytics models from our course. For example, a data set about types of jobs in the technology field might be interesting, but does not qualify (not a business analytics issue at the center of the topic). However, a data set about a company’s sales or customer satisfaction, etc. works fine. Kaggle has some great data sets for our purposes — Sales, satisfaction, HR analytics, etc. Have fun – find something you like.

Once you have identified a data set upload the data set in Excel. If it is approved, 10 points extra credit  are awarded if submitted before 11:45 PM on 6-12-22. I will also confirm in writing that it is approved (i.e. will add comment on Sakai). If it is not approved, it will receive a score of zero (0) in the grade center. Keep submitting a new data set until approved.

Here is the Kaggle location for the data set search:

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