Strategic Organizational Communication Paper The paper for COM 3120 should be 3-5 pages long. Below in the instructions, you will find that the paper is divided into three parts. You will be graded on the content of your answer, the reasoning/argument you make between the theory and the facts of the case study as well as writing (grammar and punctuation). The relative lengths of the three parts should be as follows:
• Part One: 1 page minimum
• Part Two: 2 pages minimum
• Part Three: 1 page minimum
Part One: Description of the Organization Choose an organization that you want to research and discuss. Describe the organization giving relevant background information. Make sure that you identify the organization’s mission. This is most often found in a mission statement.
Part Two: Strategic Communication in the Organization Choose at least 4 but no more than 6 of the following aspects of strategic organizational communication to discuss:
• Public relations
• Managing an organization's image or reputation
• Internal communications
• Public affairs and issues management
• Media relations
• Risk and crisis communication
• Marketing
• Integrated marketing communications
• The marketing mix
• Advertising
• Branding
• Relationship marketing and the use of marketing data bases
• Technology and strategic organizational communication
Part Three: Assessment and Recommendations As a conclusion to your research on the strategic communication of the organization you chose, make an evaluation of how effective you believe this organization uses strategic communication. Is the strategic communication very effective, somewhat effective, not effective, dysfunctional and/or destructive, etc. Justify your assessment. Make recommendations for how the organization could improve its strategic communication (even if your assessment was that the organization used strategic communication effectively). _________________________________________________________
Formatting Guidelines
• 12 point type size
• Double line spacing
• 1-inch margins
• Indentations at beginnings of paragraphs, with no space between paragraphs
Documentation Guidelines: If you incorporate sources into your paper, use standard APA style. Make sure that you have both in-text citations and a references or works cited list at the end of the paper.
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