1. Title of article is “The impact of knowledge management by technological tools and electronic means in academic staff performance in Palestinian universities”.
2. Independent variable is : knowledge management (KM) by technological tools and electronic means which consists of four domains :
– knowledge creation and acquisition which consist from (6) paragraphs from kca1 to kca6 as in the SPSS file attached.
– organize and storage knowledge from osk1 to osk6
– Knowledge Sharing and Dissemination from ksd1 to ksd6
– implementation of knowledge from ik1 to ik6
3. Dependent variable is :academic staff performance
4. Population size: 3662 academic staff distributed on 9 universities in west bank.
5. Sample size: 282 academic staff.
6. Tool of the study : questioner consist of two parts first one is knowledge management (KM) by technological tools and electronic means and the second one is academic staff performance.