A shampoo, code named “9–10”was given to women for trial use.4 The respondents were asked what they liked and disliked about the product. There were two separate sets of codes: The headings identify fields in the data matrix and the different attributes of shampoo.The specific codes are listed under each attribute.The coding instructions were first to look for the correct heading, and then to locate the correct comment under that heading and use that number as the code. For example, if, in response to a “like” question, a respondent had said,“The shampoo was gentle and mild,” a coder would look in field 10, the “gentleness” field, and find the comment “Gentle/mild/not harsh”; then the coder would write “11” next to the comment. If, under “dislikes,” someone had said,“I would rather have a shampoo with a crème rinse,” the coder would look in field 16 for comparison to other shampoos and write “74” (“Prefer one with a crême rinse”) beside that response.
1. Code each of the three questionnaires.
2. Evaluate this coding scheme.